Section 3.0

Footnote 1. Signal Systems Asset Management – State-of-the-Practice Review, prepared for the FHWA Office of Operations, April 2004.  |-BACK-|

Footnote 2.  |-BACK-|

Section 6.0

Footnote 3. NYSERDA LED Traffic Signal Life Cycle Cost Analyzer, New York State Department of Transportation, 2001. Accessible via:  |-BACK-|

Footnote 4. Pearson, R. Traffic Signal Control, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, 2001. Accessible via:  |-BACK-|

Footnote 5. Ibid.  |-BACK-|

Footnote 6. NYSERDA, 2001  |-BACK-|

Footnote 7. Institute of Transportation Engineers. Issue Briefs – Traffic Signals, Federal Highway Administration, April 2004. Accessible via:  |-BACK-|

Footnote 8. Institute of Transportation Engineers. Improving Traffic Signal Operations – A Primer, Federal Highway Administration, 1995. Accessible via:  |-BACK-|

Footnote 9. McCracken, J. Demonstration Project 93 – Making the Most of Today’s Technology, Federal Highway Administration, 1996. Accessible via:  |-BACK-|