Using Highways During Evacuation Operations for Events with Advance Notice

Routes to Effective Evacuation Planning Primer Series

Produced in collaboration with the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO)

Private Sector and Non-Governmental Organization Support

Private sector groups also have a stake in evacuation plans, decisions, or operations, including transportation, food, health and medical (e.g., nursing homes, children’s hospitals, and institutions), private schools, and other organizations. Moreover, the local government may support its evacuation operations with assistance from locally based private sector resources and private-volunteer agencies.

Benefits of Including Transportation-Related Private Sector and Private Volunteer Organizations

Private sector transportation resources may supply vehicles, transportation maintenance crews, and assets to aid motorists during an evacuation. Often, the private sector wants to be involved, and locally based companies often have out-of-area reach-back to their parent companies for additional support. One example is how the utility industry often deploys utility crews from around the country to disaster-stricken areas to restore power lines. Similarly, State and local DOTs and Public Works departments generally have access to a number of private sector companies that can provide evacuation support services through existing or emergency contracts including:

  • Highway contractors—Can secure roadway work zones to maximize safety and roadway capacity for evacuees; and provide personnel, heavy equipment, and materials through contracts to support an evacuation.
  • Bus companies—Can provide over-the-road coaches and drivers to evacuate people including those with special needs or to transport responders
    Traffic control contractors—Can provide personnel and traffic control devices such as portable Variable Message Signs (VMS), arrow boards, traffic signs, traffic signals, and light towers to support an evacuation
  • Towing industry—Can provide personnel and tow trucks to remove disabled vehicles from an evacuation route
  • Trucking industry—Can provide trucks and drivers to deliver supplies and equipment to support an evacuation
  • Service patrols—Can provide motorist assistance including vehicle repairs in the field, fuel, and traffic control.
  Last modified: May 3, 2022