Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Limits Study - Volume 1: Technical Reports Summary
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June 2015
Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Chapter 1. Current Truck Size and Weight Regulations In The United States And Other Countries
- Chapter 2. Scope and General Methodology
- Chapter 3. Results of Focus Area Analysis
List of Tables
- Table 1. Nationwide Number of Permits Issued for 44 Reporting States: 2008-2012
- Table 2. Triple Trailer Combinations in Operation under "ISTEA Freeze"
- Table 3. Vehicle Miles of Travel by Vehicle Configuration and Highway System
- Table 4. Truck Configurations and Weights Scenarios Analyzed in the Study
- Table 5. Study Data/Model Accessibility and Data Custody Guidelines
- Table 6. Scenario Impacts on VMT, Total Logistics Costs, and Railroad Revenue: 2011
- Table 7. Scenario Impacts on Energy Consumption, Emissions, and Traffic Operations: 2011 (Millions)
- Table 8. Summary of Crash Analyses by Scenario. 45
- Table 9. Impacts of Study Scenario (Compared to Base Case) on Pavement Performance and Costs
- Table 10. Projected Number of Bridges with Posting Issues
- Table 11. Projected One-time Bridge Costs for Alternative Truck Configurations (Scenarios)
List of Figures
- Figure 1. National Network for Conventional Combination Trucks: 2013
- Figure 2. Permitted Longer Combination Vehicles on the NHS: 2011
List of Acronyms
Acronym | Definition |
AASHO | American Association of State Highway Officials |
AASHTO | Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials |
ABrR | AASHTOWare Bridge Rating® |
ABS | anti-lock braking system |
AC | asphalt concrete |
ADT | average daily traffic |
AADTT | annual average daily truck traffic |
ADTT | average daily truck traffic |
AF | axle factors |
AGM | average gross mass |
ALF | axle load factors |
ARA | Applied Research Associates |
ASLRRA | American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association |
ASR | allowable stress rating |
BTS | Bureau of Transportation Statistics |
CAFT | constant-amplitude fatigue threshold |
CARB | California Air Resources Board |
CBO | Congressional Budget Office |
CMV | commercial motor vehicle |
CRCP | Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement |
CRF | Code of Federal Regulations |
CTSLW | Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Limits Study |
CTSW | Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Limits |
CVSA | Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance |
DA | data agreement |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
EDFs | equivalent damage factors |
ESALs | equivalent single axle loads |
ESAR | equivalent single-axle radius |
ESWL | equivalent single-wheel load |
FAF | Freight Analysis Framework |
FEA | finite element analysis |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration |
FMIS | Financial Management Information System |
FMVSS | Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard |
FRA | Federal Railroad Administration |
GCW | gross combined weight |
GEF | Group Equivalency Factor |
GVW | gross vehicle weight |
HCA | highway cost allocation |
HCAS | Federal Highway Cost Allocation Study |
HERS | Highway Economic Requirements Systems |
HMA | hot mix asphalt |
HPMS | Highway Performance Monitoring System |
HV | High-volume |
HIS | Interstate Highway System |
ITIC | Intermodal Transportation and Inventory Cost Model |
IRI | International Roughness Index |
IS | Interstate System |
ISTEA | Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act |
JPCP | jointed plain concrete pavement |
LCC | life cycle cost |
LCV | longer combination vehicles |
LEF | load equivalence factors |
LFR | load factor rating |
LRFD | load and resistance factor design |
LRFR | load resistance factor rating |
LTBP | Long-Term Bridge Performance Program |
LTL | less than truckload |
LTPP | Long-Term Pavement Performance |
LV | Low-volume |
MARAD | Maritime Administration |
MATLAB | Matrix Laboratory |
MCMIS | Motor Carrier Management Information System |
MDDs | multidepth deflectometers |
MEPDG | Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide |
MV | Medium-volume |
NAPCOM | National Pavement Cost Model |
NAS | National Academy of Sciences |
NATS | National Truck Stop Survey |
NBI | National Bridge Inventory |
NBMD | National Bridge Management Database |
NCHRP | National Cooperative Highway Research Program |
NDA | non-disclosure agreement |
NESCCAF | Northeast States Center for a Clean Air Future |
NHS | National Highway System |
NHTSA | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration |
NN | National Network |
NREL | National Renewable Energy Lab |
NSIs | normalized sensitivity indices |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
OGW | operating gross weight |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratories |
OOS | out-of-service |
OS/OW | oversize/overweight |
PBBT | Performance Based Brake Tests |
PAS | Pavement Analysis Software |
PBS | Performance-based standards |
PCC | Portland Cement Concrete |
PCE | passenger car equivalents |
PCU | passenger car units |
POG | Policy Oversight Group |
PSI | Pounds per square inch |
RC | reinforced concrete |
RF | rating factor |
SISSI | Superpave Instrumented Stress-Strain Investigation |
SPS | Special Pavement Sections |
STAA | Surface Transportation Authorization Act |
STB | Surface Transportation Board |
STCC | Standard Transportation Commodity Code |
SwRI | Southwest Research Institute |
TF | truck factor |
TMG | Traffic Monitoring Guidelines |
TOC | Technical Oversight Committee |
TRB | Transportation Research Board |
TSW | truck size and weight |
TTCGS | truck traffic classification groups |
USC | United States Code |
USDOT | US Department of Transportation |
VMT | vehicle miles traveled |
VIUS | Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey |
VSC | vehicle stability and control |
WHVC | World Harmonized Vehicle Cycle |
WIM | weigh-in-motion |
WIMPI | Weigh-in-Motion Pavement Investigation |