Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Projects of National and Regional Significance
2011 Report to Congress
Project Information

United States Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

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DOT Logo, The Secretary of Transportation, Washington, D.C., 20590

May 26, 2011

The Honorable John L. Mica
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Mr. Chairman:

This letter transmits the 2011 Report to Congress on Section 1301, Projects of National and Regional Significance (PNRS) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Section 1301(k) of SAFETEA-LU requires the Secretary of Transportation to submit a report each year to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. The enclosed report includes a funding table that shows the allocation amounts to be made available to finance grants under this section.

Section 1301(m) of SAFETEA-LU requires that, notwithstanding any other provision of Section 1301, the Secretary shall allocate amounts in this section from Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 to FY 2009 for grants to carry out the 26 projects designated in the table of "Projects of National and Regional Significance" incorporated under Section 1301.

The Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011, Public Law 112-5 (Extension Act), generally extends highway programs through September 30, 2011, but provides no funding for the PNRS program. Section 101(d) of the Extension Act amends section 411(d) of the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2010, directing that funds that would otherwise have been made available to a State for FY 2011 for certain allocated programs, including the PNRS program, will instead be spread proportionately among that State's apportioned programs in 2011.

As Section 1301(m) of SAFETEA-LU and the Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011 obviate the need for any funding allocation proposals or recommendations, the enclosed project information will serve to inform the committees of the progress made in funding the designated projects under SAFETEA-LU.

As of January 2011, one of the 26 projects designated in the legislation, with a total authorized funding of $15 million (approximately .8 percent of the total), has not submitted any information describing the project, nor any estimate of total project costs, and no funds have been allocated to this project. While all of the other projects have received funding allocations, obligations and outlays of funds remain slow for some projects. Of the $1.597 billion in funds allocated for projects in the program, only $996 million has been obligated (approximately 62 percent), and only $562 million has been spent (approximately 35 percent) as of January 2011.

We will continue to administer the FY 2005-2009 project funding in accordance with the distribution plan set forth in Section 1301(m) of SAFETEA-LU which stipulates allocating the total of all funds in this section to the 26 projects identified in this section and requires that this allocation be distributed for each FY 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at 10 percent, 20 percent, 25 percent, 25 percent, and 20 percent respectively.

Section 1301(f)(6) of SAFETEA-LU directed the Department to promulgate a regulatory framework for soliciting, evaluating, and rating projects; the Final Rule for "Projects of National and Regional Significance Evaluation and Rating" was published on October 24, 2008, and a summary is included in this report. Should Congress fund the PNRS in the upcoming reauthorization of the surface transportation programs, the Department stands ready to apply this regulatory framework to ensure that funding under this program is applied to well-planned and defensible projects that address national and regional significant needs.

Similar letters have been sent to the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Sincerely yours,

[Signature on file]

Ray LaHood


DOT Logo, The Secretary of Transportation, Washington, D.C., 20590

May 26, 2011

The Honorable Nick J. Rahall II
Ranking Member
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Congressman Rahall:

This letter transmits the 2011 Report to Congress on Section 1301, Projects of National and Regional Significance (PNRS) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Section 1301(k) of SAFETEA-LU requires the Secretary of Transportation to submit a report each year to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. The enclosed report includes a funding table that shows the allocation amounts to be made available to finance grants under this section.

Section 1301(m) of SAFETEA-LU requires that, notwithstanding any other provision of Section 1301, the Secretary shall allocate amounts in this section from Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 to FY 2009 for grants to carry out the 26 projects designated in the table of "Projects of National and Regional Significance" incorporated under Section 1301.

The Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011, Public Law 112-5 (Extension Act), generally extends highway programs through September 30, 2011, but provides no funding for the PNRS program. Section 101(d) of the Extension Act amends section 411(d) of the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2010, directing that funds that would otherwise have been made available to a State for FY 2011 for certain allocated programs, including the PNRS program, will instead be spread proportionately among that State's apportioned programs in 2011.

As Section 1301(m) of SAFETEA-LU and the Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011 obviate the need for any funding allocation proposals or recommendations, the enclosed project information will serve to inform the committees of the progress made in funding the designated projects under SAFETEA-LU.

As of January 2011, one of the 26 projects designated in the legislation, with a total authorized funding of $15 million (approximately .8 percent of the total), has not submitted any information describing the project, nor any estimate of total project costs, and no funds have been allocated to this project. While all of the other projects have received funding allocations, obligations and outlays of funds remain slow for some projects. Of the $1.597 billion in funds allocated for projects in the program, only $996 million has been obligated (approximately 62 percent), and only $562 million has been spent (approximately 35 percent) as of January 2011.

We will continue to administer the FY 2005-2009 project funding in accordance with the distribution plan set forth in Section 1301(m) of SAFETEA-LU which stipulates allocating the total of all funds in this section to the 26 projects identified in this section and requires that this allocation be distributed for each FY 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at 10 percent, 20 percent, 25 percent, 25 percent, and 20 percent respectively.

Section 1301(f)(6) of SAFETEA-LU directed the Department to promulgate a regulatory framework for soliciting, evaluating, and rating projects; the Final Rule for "Projects of National and Regional Significance Evaluation and Rating" was published on October 24, 2008, and a summary is included in this report. Should Congress fund the PNRS in the upcoming reauthorization of the surface transportation programs, the Department stands ready to apply this regulatory framework to ensure that funding under this program is applied to well-planned and defensible projects that address national and regional significant needs.

Similar letters have been sent to the Chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Sincerely yours,

[Signature on file]

Ray LaHood


DOT Logo, The Secretary of Transportation, Washington, D.C., 20590

May 26, 2011

The Honorable Barbara Boxer
Committee on Environment and Public Works
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Madam Chairman:

This letter transmits the 2011 Report to Congress on Section 1301, Projects of National and Regional Significance (PNRS) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Section 1301(k) of SAFETEA-LU requires the Secretary of Transportation to submit a report each year to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. The enclosed report includes a funding table that shows the allocation amounts to be made available to finance grants under this section.

Section 1301(m) of SAFETEA-LU requires that, notwithstanding any other provision of Section 1301, the Secretary shall allocate amounts in this section from Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 to FY 2009 for grants to carry out the 26 projects designated in the table of "Projects of National and Regional Significance" incorporated under Section 1301.

The Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011, Public Law 112-5 (Extension Act), generally extends highway programs through September 30, 2011, but provides no funding for the PNRS program. Section 101(d) of the Extension Act amends section 411(d) of the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2010, directing that funds that would otherwise have been made available to a State for FY 2011 for certain allocated programs, including the PNRS program, will instead be spread proportionately among that State's apportioned programs in 2011.

As Section 1301(m) of SAFETEA-LU and the Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011 obviate the need for any funding allocation proposals or recommendations, the enclosed project information will serve to inform the committees of the progress made in funding the designated projects under SAFETEA-LU.

As of January 2011, one of the 26 projects designated in the legislation, with a total authorized funding of $15 million (approximately .8 percent of the total), has not submitted any information describing the project, nor any estimate of total project costs, and no funds have been allocated to this project. While all of the other projects have received funding allocations, obligations and outlays of funds remain slow for some projects. Of the $1.597 billion in funds allocated for projects in the program, only $996 million has been obligated (approximately 62 percent), and only $562 million has been spent (approximately 35 percent) as of January 2011.

We will continue to administer the FY 2005-2009 project funding in accordance with the distribution plan set forth in Section 1301(m) of SAFETEA-LU which stipulates allocating the total of all funds in this section to the 26 projects identified in this section and requires that this allocation be distributed for each FY 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at 10 percent, 20 percent, 25 percent, 25 percent, and 20 percent respectively.

Section 1301(f)(6) of SAFETEA-LU directed the Department to promulgate a regulatory framework for soliciting, evaluating, and rating projects; the Final Rule for "Projects of National and Regional Significance Evaluation and Rating" was published on October 24, 2008, and a summary is included in this report. Should Congress fund the PNRS in the upcoming reauthorization of the surface transportation programs, the Department stands ready to apply this regulatory framework to ensure that funding under this program is applied to well-planned and defensible projects that address national and regional significant needs.

Similar letters have been sent to the Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

Sincerely yours,

[Signature on file]

Ray LaHood


DOT Logo, The Secretary of Transportation, Washington, D.C., 20590

May 26, 2011

The Honorable James M. Inhofe
Ranking Member
Committee on Environment and Public Works
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Inhofe:

This letter transmits the 2011 Report to Congress on Section 1301, Projects of National and Regional Significance (PNRS) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Section 1301(k) of SAFETEA-LU requires the Secretary of Transportation to submit a report each year to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. The enclosed report includes a funding table that shows the allocation amounts to be made available to finance grants under this section.

Section 1301(m) of SAFETEA-LU requires that, notwithstanding any other provision of Section 1301, the Secretary shall allocate amounts in this section from Fiscal Year (FY) 2005 to FY 2009 for grants to carry out the 26 projects designated in the table of "Projects of National and Regional Significance" incorporated under Section 1301.

The Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011, Public Law 112-5 (Extension Act), generally extends highway programs through September 30, 2011, but provides no funding for the PNRS program. Section 101(d) of the Extension Act amends section 411(d) of the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2010, directing that funds that would otherwise have been made available to a State for FY 2011 for certain allocated programs, including the PNRS program, will instead be spread proportionately among that State's apportioned programs in 2011.

As Section 1301(m) of SAFETEA-LU and the Continuing Appropriations and Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011 obviate the need for any funding allocation proposals or recommendations, the enclosed project information will serve to inform the committees of the progress made in funding the designated projects under SAFETEA-LU.

As of January 2011, one of the 26 projects designated in the legislation, with a total authorized funding of $15 million (approximately .8 percent of the total), has not submitted any information describing the project, nor any estimate of total project costs, and no funds have been allocated to this project. While all of the other projects have received funding allocations, obligations and outlays of funds remain slow for some projects. Of the $1.597 billion in funds allocated for projects in the program, only $996 million has been obligated (approximately 62 percent), and only $562 million has been spent (approximately 35 percent) as of January 2011.

We will continue to administer the FY 2005-2009 project funding in accordance with the distribution plan set forth in Section 1301(m) of SAFETEA-LU which stipulates allocating the total of all funds in this section to the 26 projects identified in this section and requires that this allocation be distributed for each FY 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 at 10 percent, 20 percent, 25 percent, 25 percent, and 20 percent respectively.

Section 1301(f)(6) of SAFETEA-LU directed the Department to promulgate a regulatory framework for soliciting, evaluating, and rating projects; the Final Rule for "Projects of National and Regional Significance Evaluation and Rating" was published on October 24, 2008, and a summary is included in this report. Should Congress fund the PNRS in the upcoming reauthorization of the surface transportation programs, the Department stands ready to apply this regulatory framework to ensure that funding under this program is applied to well-planned and defensible projects that address national and regional significant needs.

Similar letters have been sent to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

Sincerely yours,

[Signature on file]

Ray LaHood


Projects of National and Regional Significance
2011 Report to Congress
Project Information

United States Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

Table of Contents

Project Status

As of January 2011, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has received project descriptions and funding allocation requests for 25 of the 26 projects designated under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), Section 1301(m). Twenty-five of these projects have received funding allocations. The following tables summarize the status and funding of the 26 projects.

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), FHWA, developed implementing guidance for Projects of National and Regional Significance (PNRS) SAFETEA-LU grantees and posted it on the Internet in early 2006. All grant recipients for projects designated under PNRS were asked to submit project descriptions to FHWA in order to initiate the release of designated funds. The project descriptions, which included information on project purpose, scope, cost, planning, and finance were submitted to the FHWA Division Office through the State departments of transportation where the projects are located. (Only one project description is required to be submitted for the 5 years of funding authorized by SAFETEA-LU).

The FHWA Division Office reviews and comments on the project description and forwards the description to the FHWA Headquarters where DOT staff from the relevant modal agencies, along with the Office of the Secretary, review the proposal. This review is to ensure that the proposed work is aligned with the congressionally designated project and to determine where and how DOT could assist in project implementation.

As of January 2011, one of the 26 projects designated in the legislation, with a total authorized funding of $15 million (approximately .8 percent of the total), has not submitted any information describing the project, nor any estimate of total project costs, and no funds have been allocated to this project. While all the other projects have received funding allocations, obligations and outlays of funds remain slow for some projects. Of the $1.597 billion in funds allocated for projects in the program, only $996 million has been obligated (approximately 62 percent), and only $562 million has been spent (approximately 35 percent) as of January 2011.

The Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011, Public Law 112-5 (Extension Act), generally extends highway programs through September 30, 2011, but provides no funding for the PNRS program. Section 101(d) of the Extension Act amends section 411(d) of the Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2010, directing that funds that would otherwise have been made available to a State for FY 2011 for certain allocated programs, including the PNRS program, will instead be spread proportionately among that State's apportioned programs in 2011.

This report informs Congress on progress made in funding the designated projects and progress made in establishing the regulatory framework called for in Section 1301(f)(6). However, since Section 1301(m) has earmarked all the fiscal year (FY) 2005-2009 funding for the program to specific projects and currently there is no FY 2011 discretionary funding for PNRS, there is no discussion of proposals to allocate the funding, or recommendations regarding projects for funding in this report.

SAFETEA-LU Projects of National and Regional Significance Status as of January 2011
State Project 5-Year Authorized Amount Status
CA Bakersfield Beltway System $140 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
CA Inland Empire Goods Movement (Norton AFB) $55 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
CA Alameda Corridor East $125 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
CA Transbay Terminal $27 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
CA Gerald Desmond Bridge/I-710 Gateway Project $100 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
CA Sacramento Intermodal Station $3 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
CO Union Station (Denver) $50 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
IL O'Hare Bypass $140 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
IL CREATE $100 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
IL Mississippi River Bridge $150 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
MI Blue Water Bridge Border Plaza (Port Huron) $7.4 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
MI NAFTA Rail $12.6 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
MN Union Depot Multimodal Transit Facility $50 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
NJ Liberty Corridor $100 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
NM Relocate El Paso, TX Rail Yard to Santa Teresa $14 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
NY Cross Harbor Freight Movement Project $100 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
OR I-5 Bridge Repair $160 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
PA US 422 Widening and Interchange Improvements (Montgomery County) $20 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
PA Rt 28 Widening and Improvements (Allegheny County) $15 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
PA I-80 Improvements (Monroe County) $15 m No Project Description Received
SC I-73 Construction (Myrtle Beach to NC State Line) $40 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
VA Portsmouth Rail Relocation $15 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
WA Alaska Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement $100 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
WA Replacement of Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall (Seattle) $120 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
WI Marquette Interchange Reconstruction (Milwaukee) $30 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated
VA,WV,OH, [KY] Heartland Corridor $90 m FY05-FY09 Funding Allocated

Funding Info - Projects of National and Regional Significance (Sec. 1301)
State Demo ID Project List Total Authorized
Estimated Total
Project Cost
Total Distribution
FY 05-FY 09
Amount Obligated
as of 1-27-11
Amount Expended
as of 1-27-11
Percent Obligated
as of 1-27-11
Percent Expended
as of 1-27-11
CA CA743 Bakersfield Beltway $140,000,000 $336,454,000 $126,824,454 $23,273,289 $7,706,097 18% 6%
CA CA744 Inland Empire Goods Movement (Norton AFB) $55,000,000 $598,914,000 $49,823,893 $28,459,643 $7,614,860 57% 15%
CA CA745 Alameda Corridor East $125,000,000 $4,600,000,000 $113,236,120 $35,394,391 $26,165,800 31% 23%
CA CA746 Transbay Terminal $27,000,000 $982,839,000 $24,459,002 $24,459,002 $3,203 100% 0%
CA CA747 Gerald Desmond Bridge/I-710 $100,000,000 $721,400,000 $90,588,897 $6,877,950 $3,035,531 8% 3%
CA CA748 Sacramento Intermodal $3,000,000 $54,852,300 $2,717,667 $2,717,667 $1,618,566 100% 60%
CO C0112 Union Station (Denver) $50,000,000 $434,474,000 $45,294,448 $45,294,448 $4,000,000 100% 9%
IL IL524 O'Hare Bypass $140,000,000 $2,171,000,000 $126,824,454 $35,700,152 $14,363,421 28% 11%
IL IL525 CREATE $100,000,000 $1,500,000,000 $90,588,897 $82,709,115 $49,234,728 91% 54%
IL IL526 Miss River Bridge $150,000,000 $910,000,000 $135,883,344 $117,822,103 $22,534,101 87% 17%
MI MI274 Blue Water Bridge Border Plaza (Port Huron) $7,400,000 $553,374,000 $6,703,578 $6,703,578 $5,494,112 100% 82%
MI MI310 NAFTA Rail $12,600,000 $15,912,557 $11,414,201 $4,078,400 $680,585 36% 6%
MN MN238 Union Depot Multimodal Transit Facility $50,000,000 $237,500,000 $45,294,448 $45,294,438 $13,300,000 100% 29%
NJ NJ272 Liberty Corridor $100,000,000 $601,480,000 $90,588,897 $46,778,682 $22,675,139 52% 25%
NM NM077 Relocate El Paso, TX Rail Yard to Santa Teresa $14,000,000 $13,466,000 $12,682,446 $11,465,349 $339,503 90% 3%
NY NY693/
Cross Harbor Freight Movement Project $100,000,000 $125,000,000 $90,588,897 $11,200,000 $0 12% 0%
OR OR174 I-5 Bridge Repair $160,000,000 $863,479,000 $144,942,234 $121,500,313 $80,354,831 84% 55%
PA PA672 US422 Widening and Interchange Improvements (Montgomery County) $20,000,000 $168,950,000 $18,117,779 $11,253,000 $9,151,580 62% 51%
PA PA673 Rte 28 Widening and Improvements (Allegheny County) $15,000,000 $120,000,000 $13,588,335 $13,588,335 $13,384,337 100% 98%
PA PA674 I-80 Improvements (Monroe County) $15,000,000 N/A $0 $0 $0 0% 0%
SC SC120 I-73 Construction (Myrtle Beach to NC State Line) $40,000,000 $2,525,500,000 $36,235,559 $87,554 $0 0% 0%
VA VA239 Portsmouth Rail Relocation $15,000,000 $59,600,000 $13,588,335 $13,588,335 $13,588,335 100% 100%
WA WA270 Alaska Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement $100,000,000 $2,800,000,000 $90,588,897 $90,588,897 $79,937,140 100% 88%
WA WA271 Replacement of Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall (Seattle) $120,000,000 See Above $108,706,675 $108,706,675 $79,128,129 100% 73%
WI WI140 Marquette Interchange Reconstruction (Milwaukee) $30,000,000 $890,000,000 $27,176,669 $27,176,669 $27,176,669 100% 100%
VA, WV, OH, [KY] N/A Heartland Corridor $90,000,000 $150,000,000 $81,530,007 $81,545,214 $81,361,683 100% 100%
Total Empty Cell Empty Cell $1,779,000,000 Empty Cell $1,597,988,133 $996,263,199 $562,848,350 62% 35%
* The total authorized funding levels in this table equal the totals authorized in SAFETEA-LU sections 1301, however, the funding is subject to obligation limitation and other "take-downs" designated in the Appropriations Acts.

Project Descriptions

The following summarizes project information submitted to DOT as part of project descriptions. This summary only contains projects that have completed the review process and received funding allocations. There are a total of 24 PNRS descriptions with 25 funding allocations (there are two allocations for the Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall project in Seattle, WA.)

Alameda Corridor East (CA)

Summary: In 2001, the Alameda Corridor East (ACE) Construction Authority, San Bernardino Associated Governments, Orange County Transportation Authority/City of Placentia, and the Riverside County Transportation Commission developed the comprehensive ACE Trade Corridor Plan. The ACE Trade Corridor Improvement Plan proposes highway/rail grade separations at 131 crossings, plus 61 additional crossing improvements. The ACE Trade Corridor extends the public infrastructure necessary to connect the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and the Alameda Corridor to the transcontinental rail network through the Nation's second largest metropolitan area.

Eliminating vehicle conflicts at the 131 highest volume crossings will improve rail system reliability, significantly reduce the frequency of crossing accidents and railroad liability exposure, and further enhance the competitive position of southern California in attracting international trade.

By 2020, almost 13,000 vehicle hours of delay would be eliminated with these improvements, as would an estimated 370 accidents per year. The congestion avoided by the 131 grade separations will eliminate approximately 288 tons per year of combined reactive organic gas, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide annually in 2010, the attainment deadline for the most polluted air basin in the Nation.

The estimated cost of the total improvement program is $4.6 billion. Currently the 4 counties have 25 projects funded and 7 projects completed. At least 10 projects will be funded by the PNRS funds.

Bakersfield Beltway System (CA)

Summary: The proposed Bakersfield Beltway System consists of the following three limited access expressway or freeway facilities on three different alignments:

  • West Beltway - extends north-south from SR 58 to SR 119 along the western part of the metropolitan Bakersfield area.
  • South Beltway - extends east-west from SR 58 to I-5 along the southern part of the metropolitan Bakersfield area.
  • North Beltway - extends east-west from SR 99 to SR 43 along the northern part of the metropolitan Bakersfield area.

The proposed Beltway System will ultimately provide direct connections to I-5, SR 43, SR 99, and SR 119, thereby bypassing the metropolitan Bakersfield area. The PNRS funding will be used for conducting environmental studies, planning, preliminary engineering, design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction for various segments.

Gerald Desmond/I-710 Gateway Project (CA)

Summary: This project involves replacement of the Gerald Desmond Bridge which is a key component of the I-710 Corridor/Gerald Desmond Bridge Gateway Program. The I-710/Desmond Program is a comprehensive, strategic approach to addressing the congestion, air quality, and safety issues in the Corridor between the Ports of Long Beach/Los Angeles and SR 60. The Gerald Desmond Bridge is the westerly extension of the I-710 and is currently designated part of SR 710. The bridge replacement project entails demolition and replacement of the existing bridge with a six-lane cable-stayed bridge, and reconstruction of the Terminal Island East and I-710 Freeway/Desmond Bridge interchanges.

The I-710 Corridor/Gerald Desmond Bridge Gateway Program is a crucial transportation facility serving the Ports of Long Beach/Los Angeles, the region, State, and Nation. The I-710 Corridor and Gerald Desmond Bridge carry approximately 15 percent and 10 percent of all U.S. waterborne container volume, respectively. While the recently opened Alameda Corridor can be thought of as the trade "railway" gateway to the Nation, the I-710 Desmond Gateway is the de facto trade "highway" gateway to the Nation. The I-710/Desmond Gateway is presently experiencing serious performance problems due to a number of interrelated reasons, including traffic congestion and safety.

The Desmond Bridge is a National Highway System Intermodal Connector Route and part of the Federal Strategic Highway Network (National Defense Highway System). Additionally, the Port of Long Beach is designated as a strategic military out-load port by the DOT Maritime Administration (MARAD). The Gerald Desmond Bridge also provides access to MARAD's Ready Reserve vessels on Terminal Island.

Project benefits include the following:

Environmental Benefits - By replacing the existing 4-lane bridge with a 6-lane bridge, and by reducing the grade from 6 percent to 5 percent, air pollution resulting from traffic congestion (particularly diesel emissions from slow truck speeds and from idling) would decrease significantly.

Congestion Mitigation Benefits - Traffic operating conditions would improve from an unacceptable level of service F to an acceptable level of service D. Delays will be significantly reduced. By 2025, the replacement of the Gerald Desmond Bridge would reduce vehicle hours and vehicle miles traveled per day in the Corridor by about 5,115 vehicle hours traveled and 28,245 vehicle miles traveled, respectively.

Safety Benefits - The existing Gerald Desmond Bridge is not wide enough to enable the efficient and safe clearing of incidents/accidents. At present, there are various design deficiencies that contribute to the high accident rates on the I-710 Corridor and on the Gerald Desmond Bridge. Truck accidents occur frequently on the bridge, often times blocking both travel lanes, limiting emergency access and trapping vehicles on the bridge until the disabled truck is removed. The new bridge will eliminate this safety hazard by providing an additional travel lane, and standard inside/outside shoulders in each direction.

Roadway improvements in and around the former Norton Air Force Base as part of the Inland Empire Goods Movement Gateway Project (IEGMG) (CA)

Summary: The IEGMG project is a regional effort to facilitate goods movement through the county of San Bernardino, particularly, in and around the former Norton Air Force Base (NAFB). This project includes several transportation improvement projects that will enhance mobility throughout the region and help speed the flow of commerce. The area in and around the former NAFB in San Bernardino is becoming a major distribution center for goods movement from the Los Angeles and Long Beach port areas and transcontinental freeways which go through the area. Reconstruction and improvements to these freeways will contribute to enhanced goods movement. There are two subprojects in the IEGMG which comprise this PNRS application: the I-215 corridor reconstruction and the I-10/Tippecanoe interchange reconstruction.

The I-215 corridor is one of two freeway corridors in the immediate area, both of which are currently at, or near, capacity. The I-215 corridor connects to I-15, a major north-south cross country corridor, which then intersects with I-40 and I-70, major east-west cross-country freeway corridors. Millions of tons of maritime cargo are shipped by truck along these cross country corridors. This project will reconstruct I-215 by adding a high-occupancy vehicle lane and mixed-flow lane in each direction on the corridor and other operational improvements. Tippecanoe Avenue in San Bernardino is one of the main arterials connecting the distribution center area around the former NAFB and the I-10 transcontinental corridor. The I-10 corridor extends from Los Angeles to Florida with connections to other transcontinental freeway corridors along the way. The existing I-10 access to and from Tippecanoe interchange needs improvement due to four closely spaced signalized intersections around the interchange that cause queuing problems on the streets and onto the mainline. This project will construct an added auxiliary lane in the eastbound direction, widen streets and ramps, and reconfigure a westbound ramp to eliminate a signalized intersection.

Sacramento Intermodal Station (CA)

Summary: Developed in three phases, the Sacramento Intermodal Transportation Facility would encompass a realignment of existing mainline rail tracks (Phase1), improvements to the existing Sacramento Valley Station (Phase 2), and eventual transformation of the station into a multimodal transportation center (Phase 3).

The scope of work activities to be funded by PNRS grant will be in Phase 1 - Track Relocation and will include project development, preliminary engineering, environmental review, preliminary site acquisition support, final design, and construction. If funds remain after completion of the design phase, these funds would be used in subsequent approved project delivery phases, such as construction.

Transbay Terminal (CA)

Summary: The Project consists of three primary components: (1) A new, multimodal Transbay Transit Center on the site of the present 65-year old terminal in downtown San Francisco, CA, with approximately 40 off-street bus bays and direct bus ramps to and from the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge; (2) Extension of the Caltrain Commuter Rail system 1.3 miles to downtown San Francisco, which would close the gap that now exists between the train's current terminus and the largest employment center of the region; and (3) Redevelopment of underutilized property in the Transbay Transit Center area, designed using transit-oriented development principals and including approximately 3,400 new residential units. The Transbay Transit Center will provide transportation links to seven northern California counties as well as connections to the entire State.

The PNRS funds will cover design and engineering of the above ground portion of the Transbay Transit Center building, the rail foundation, bus ramps, bus storage, temporary terminal, and design of the full below ground rail level component of the Transit Center. Activities include, but are not limited to, architectural design and engineering, site evaluation, utility engineering, interface with rail alignment, preliminary design, etc. Direct project management, consultant supported project management and program control, and administrative costs are included as well.

Denver's Union Station (CO)

Summary: This project proposes to transform the historic Denver Union Station (DUS) into a multimodal transportation center servicing the Metro Denver Region, the State of Colorado and beyond. The DUS is the hub of a comprehensive set of transportation improvements underway that are intended to promote travel on alternative modes, resulting in reduced vehicle miles traveled, congestion, and air quality impacts. At completion, DUS improvements will bring together the many different means of transportation planned in the region into one place, provide safe and convenient transfers, and include transit-oriented development.

The DUS project will utilize PNRS funds, along with other sources of local and State funds it will leverage, to complete a variety of preconstruction, construction, and transit infrastructure improvement activities

Construction of O'Hare Bypass/Elgin O'Hare Extension (IL)

Summary: This project is comprised of: (1) the Elgin-O'Hare Expressway Extension (including the reconstruction and upgrade of Thorndale Avenue) and investigation of a western access interchange at the proposed Western O'Hare Bypass to access the O'Hare International Airport and (2) construction of an access controlled facility around the western and southern boundaries of O'Hare International Airport from I-294 to I-90 (including investigation of interchange access at cross routes). This project will result in improved mobility for motorists in the Chicago metropolitan area.

Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency (CREATE) Program (IL)

Summary: The CREATE Program involves improvements to both railroad infrastructure and the local road system in Chicago. This project will invest $1.5 billion in capital projects to reduce train delays and congestion throughout the Chicago area along five rail corridors. Private and public contributions will fund the program, with the six railroad partners providing $212 million (an amount equal to the potential economic benefits of the improvements to the rail industry). The remaining funds will come from Federal, State, and local governments. The key projects are as follows:

  • Grade separation of six railroad-railroad crossings (rail-rail "flyovers"), to eliminate train interference and associated delay, primarily between passenger and freight trains.
  • Grade separation of 25 highway-rail crossings, to reduce motorist delay, improve safety, eliminate crossing accidents, decrease energy consumption, and reduce air pollution.
  • Additional rail connections, crossovers, trackage, and other improvements to expedite train movements in five rail corridors traversing the Chicago region

The CREATE Program is a first-of-its-kind, public-private partnership that provides a multimodal program (freight rail, passenger rail and highway) that capitalizes on a spirit of collaboration among competitors to provide significant benefits to the Chicago region and the Nation. The FHWA Illinois Division Office, in cooperation with the Illinois Department of Transportation and Chicago Department of Transportation, developed the Systematic, Project Expediting, Environmental Decisionmaking (SPEED) Strategy to address the CREATE Program in total. The SPEED Strategy supports systematic decisionmaking, provides an expeditious method of moving low-risk component projects forward, and assesses potential environmental impacts in a proportional, graduated way.

  • In all, CREATE will bring benefits to the Chicago region valued at:
    • $595 million related to safety improvements and reduced delays for motorists and rail passengers,
    • $1.1 billion related to air quality improvements, and
    • $2.2 billion related to construction.
  • During its construction period, CREATE will generate an annual average of more than 2,700 full-time, construction-related jobs and $365 million in purchases of materials and services.
  • By decreasing shipping times, CREATE will boost the competitiveness of manufacturers and businesses and encourage long-term job growth in Illinois and nationwide. Shippers will save an estimated $40 million annually in reduced inventory costs.
  • Reductions in highway needs and user costs will yield more than $10 billion in savings for the Nation over 20 years.
  • For area residents, CREATE means reduced traffic congestion, shorter commuting times, better air quality, and increased public safety.

Mississippi River Bridge and related roads (IL)

Summary: The New Mississippi River Crossing project includes a new 8-lane river bridge, the relocation of I-70 on a new alignment from east of IL 203 in Illinois to existing I-70 north of downtown St. Louis, and the partial construction of Relocated I 70/I 64 interchange.

The bridge location will facilitate national east-west traffic and assist in the north-south goods movement important to the North American Free Trade Agreement trade relations, which support 27 percent of U.S. agricultural exports. Construction of this project will greatly improve traffic efficiency and access in Illinois and Missouri by correcting the existing transportation bottleneck that relies on a single crossing for three vital Interstates.

Planning, Design, and Construction of a New American Border Plaza at the Blue Water Bridge in or near Port Huron (MI)

Summary: The project is the replacement of the Plaza, improvements to the I-94 and I-69 corridors including several interchanges and the connections to the Bridge, replacement of the Black River Bridge, and replacement of the International Welcome Center. This project has national significance for security, commerce and enhancement to the national transportation system. Improvements are needed to provide safe, efficient and secure movement of people and goods across the Canadian-U.S. border to support the economies of Michigan, Ontario, Canada and the United States, and to support the mobility and security needs associated with national and civil defense. This grant will be used to fund a portion of the design and/or right-of-way acquisition phases.

Integrated Highway Realignment and Grade Separations at Port Huron to Eliminate Road Blockages from NAFTA Rail Traffic (MI)

Summary: The Canadian National Railroad and the St. Clair County Road Commission have developed a project to eliminate the delays to traffic caused by trains. The overall project will construct two grade separations and provide connecting roads to allow traffic to cross the tracks despite the presence of any trains waiting for inbound or outbound "slots" through the St. Clair River tunnel. The project will substantially enhance motorist and pedestrian safety and permit full mobility and access for emergency medical and fire vehicles. It will eliminate the hazardous environment of the at-grade highway rail crossings, and alleviate the economic and environmental impact of idling motor vehicular traffic resulting from blocked crossings. Most significantly, the project will enhance the national transportation system by providing the necessary time for train inspection to ensure full compliance with U.S. Customs and homeland security requirements.

Union Depot Multimodal Transit Facility (MN)

Summary: The general concept proposed for the reuse of Union Depot is to reestablish the former track level located between Kellogg Boulevard and Warner Road as the location for passenger railroad tracks and platforms, and to add to them tracks for Central Corridor light rail transit, and platforms and access for Metro Transit buses and intercity buses (Greyhound and Jefferson Lines).

The first phase of the project would involve new passenger tracks and platforms used to relocate existing Amtrak intercity operations from their Midway location; Metro Transit buses, intercity buses, and Central Corridor light rail. In the future, Red Rock Corridor and Rush Line Corridor platforms, trackage and commuter trains would be added, as would the proposed Midwest high speed trains to and from Chicago. The Concourse, the structure above the track level, would be rehabilitated and reconnected to the neoclassical headhouse (lobby area) facing Fourth Street. The Concourse would be used for ticketing, baggage checking, and as a waiting room, with access to the train and bus platforms below by escalator, elevator and stairs. The headhouse would stay in private ownership and its present uses for restaurants and housing would continue.

Approximately $13.3 million of the PNRS funding will go toward right-of-way payments to the United States Postal Service. The remaining PNRS funds will to go toward construction.

Liberty Corridor (NJ)

Summary: The Liberty Corridor currently encompasses 8 counties (Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Passaic and Union), with 232 municipalities. It contains 9 of the State's 10 largest cities and towns. The Liberty Corridor takes a comprehensive look at the transportation issues facing the region and improves the transportation system connecting the largest seaport on the east coast and the 13th largest airport in the Nation to the national and global economy and the trans-continental rail network.

The Liberty Corridor Phase I proposal includes 10 projects (6 highway, 2 freight rail, and 2 public transit projects). These projects include the following:

  1. Wittpenn Bridge Replacement - replaces the existing Wittpenn Bridge with a new vertical-lift bridge on a new alignment.
  2. North Jersey Railroad Doublestack Clearance/National Docks - improves vertical clearances on two tunnels on the Conrail railroad route between the Port of New York and New Jersey and the CSX mainline serving the U.S. rail network. The Bergen and Waldo tunnels currently limit the height of intermodal container trains to 19 feet 2 inches. The improvements will allow passage of industry standard intermodal container trains of 20 feet 2 inches in height.
  3. Port Reading Junction - addresses a major choke point in the region's rail system by reconfiguring the Port Reading Junction to provide double track train operations between CSX - West Trenton line and Norfolk Southern - Lehigh line. This improves the efficiency of train operation, and optimizes the current Lehigh line double tracking project.
  4. Tremley Point Connector Road - provides access from the New Jersey Turnpike Interchange 12 through Carteret, NJ, over the Rahway River, and into Tremley Point in Linden, NJ.
  5. North Avenue Corridor Project - Phase I - separates truck traffic for the Port and Airport from passenger traffic for retail, hotel, and other land uses in the area.
  6. SR 35/36 Eatontown - improves access to Fort Monmouth and other locations via SR 35/36.
  7. Route 1, Section 6V, North of Ryders Lane to South of Milltown Road - improves access by replacing a deficient bridge, road improvements, and additional signals.
  8. SR 18/I-287 Connection - upgrades access via Hoes Lane from I-287 to the Busch Campus of Rutgers University. Hoes Lane will be upgraded to be part of SR 18, with four lanes, pavement replacement, signal replacement, and various pedestrian safety improvements (including sidewalks, multiuse paths and two new pedestrian bridges).
  9. Liberty Corridor Bus Rapid Transit Service - creates a bus rapid transit line connecting Newark's neighborhoods and workforce to the downtown employers at the Port of Newark/Elizabeth, Newark Liberty International Airport, the Newark Innovation Zone, and University Heights Science Park.
  10. New Brunswick/Northeast Corridor Transit Connection Initiative - develops a direct connection from the westbound station platform to the University Research Tower, and provides access to the North East Corridor and Newark Liberty International Airport.

Phase I projects are intended to achieve the following:

  • Clear chokepoints in the surface transportation system, which will assist the competitiveness of one of the Nation's largest ports as an efficient and effective means of moving goods internationally, nationally, and regionally.
  • Make critical connections and separate traffic flows, enabling underutilized and brownfield properties to be brought back to productive use.
  • Separate freight and passenger traffic to allow diverse land uses, such as ports, warehouses, retail complexes, and hotels, to coexist and thrive.
  • Enhance access to sites of innovation, assisting research institutions and firms focused on emerging technologies to attract workers and develop products that both benefit the U.S. and can be exported to the global marketplace.

The Liberty Corridor is fully integrated into the State, New Jersey Department of Transportation, New Jersey Transit, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and New Jersey Turnpike Authority's planning, and all of these entities have embraced the Liberty Corridor's concept and project selection. Given the larger planning context, more than 20 public and private organizations have come together to agree on the Liberty Corridor's priorities. The $100 million Liberty Corridor funds will be leveraged to produce $601 million in transportation projects.

Construction and Other Related Transportation Improvements Associated with the Rail Yard Relocation in the Vicinity of Santa Teresa (NM)

Summary: This project is located around El Paso, TX, which is midway between the west coast of the United States and the eastern limits of the Union Pacific Railroad's southern tier mainline. El Paso is a major railroad service center and crew change location. The Union Pacific's mainline is the railroad's primary east-west route for intermodal containers from southern California, serving both the Mid-West (Chicago) and the South-Central (Houston/Dallas) markets. The city also is served by the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway line that connects to its major east-west mainline at Belen Junction, south of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Based on data from the United States Public Waybill, approximately $55.6 billion in commodities passed through El Paso by rail in 2001, with origins and destinations in more than 16 States, as well as Mexico. This represents approximately 13 percent of the total value of all goods transported by rail in the U.S. Nearly 17 percent of the entire 9 million U.S. intermodal rail shipments transited through the City of El Paso during the same period to origins and destinations throughout the Nation.

The goal of this project is to improve rail operations and regional transportation systems by constructing, improving, and relocating infrastructure in the vicinity of Santa Teresa, New Mexico, and El Paso, Texas. This project will plan, design, and construct the necessary transportation improvements. The project will provide mutual benefits to the citizens of the region by enhancing the national transportation system, the environment, and national security.

The project will promote international trade and create a more efficient, higher capacity rail system to expedite the movement of cargo to and from western ports. National security would be enhanced with new, state-of-the-art rail security screening and inspection devices. The project is also intended to enhance the quality of life in the city of El Paso's metropolitan area by relocating railroad industrial-type operations away from the city's central business district. The goal is to reduce truck trip lengths and queuing in residential and commercial neighborhoods resulting in a reduction of noise and exhaust emissions.

The PNRS funding will be used for an access road to the facilities. The project will consist of roadway construction to connect State highway NM-136 to the Union Pacific facilities, and will include intersection improvements. The rail line relocation and yards will be constructed independently by Union Pacific.

Cross Harbor Freight Movement Project, New York (NY)

Summary: The Cross Harbor Freight Movement Project (the Cross Harbor Project) proposes the near-term rehabilitation and the long-term improvement of the currently underutilized rail freight network connecting the New York and New England markets to national markets west of the Hudson River.

Currently, in order to cross the New York Harbor, barges carry railcars from Greenville Yard, NJ, which have arrived via the national rail network, across the harbor to float bridges located at 51st Street in Brooklyn, New York. From these yards, the railcars are transported via the Bay Ridge Line to points further east and north. The only other rail link across the Hudson River is operated by CSX and located 100 miles to the north near Albany, NY. This circuitous routing adds over 200 miles for rail freight goods traveling to and from the south and west and hinders any potential shift from truck to rail for goods emanating from these areas.

The advancement of the Cross Harbor Project is seen as strengthening the economic vitality of the entire region, opening access to the region for other Class I and short-line railroads, and enhancing the efficiency and capacity of the Nation's transportation network by encouraging and supporting a shift from truck to rail for goods transport.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey will take on the near-term and long-term issues that are demanded by the current state of the Cross Harbor rail network. If the rail network that supplies goods to the Nation's largest consumer market is not maintained in the near-term, the window of opportunity to create long-term improvements that benefit the national movement of goods by rail will close. Thus, it is the Port Authority's intention to utilize the PNRS funding to return the existing rail network to a state-of-good-repair in keeping with the intent of the No Action Alternative as defined in the existing Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Parallel to this activity, and in coordination with its project partners, the Port Authority will work to identify a preferred alternative for continuing the national rail service across the New York Harbor into the east of the Hudson River region by supplementing the existing Draft Environmental Impact Statement and completing a Final Environmental Impact Statement.

I-5 Bridge repair, replacement, and associated improvements in the I-5 corridor (OR)

Summary: This project makes a large number of individual improvements to bridges in the I-5 corridor. In all, a total of 25 bridges have been identified for improvement. The State's recommended allocation of the available funding is proposed as follows: widening of bridges, replacing bridges, reconstruction of interchanges around bridges, and modification of bridges with limited vertical clearance.

Interstate 5 is one of the Nation's high priority corridors. It is the third most heavily traveled truck corridor in the Nation, and directly connects the United States to Canada and Mexico. This corridor carries a large portion of the freight traffic in and through the State. Oregon's existing transportation system is struggling to provide viable freight routes due to vertical clearance pinch points. In particular, the movement of mobile homes, construction material, construction equipment, and many other types of freight critical to Oregon's economy are greatly restricted due to insufficient vertical clearance on many routes. The PNRS project provides for the elimination of 13 vertical clearance obstructions that currently impede successful transport within the State of Oregon and between the western States, Canada and Mexico. Improving vertical clearance on freight routes is essential to the economic health of the State.

Additionally, several of the bridges identified require widening in anticipation of the need for additional travel lanes on the Interstate over the next 20 years due to increasing traffic volumes. In particular, the Oregon Department of Transportation identified 2 mainline segments of I-5 (Albany-Columbia River and Creswell-Coburg), 10 interchanges, and 4 climbing-lane segments that were forecast to be congested or extremely congested by 2020. The PNRS project will help fund the widening of six bridges (or bridge pairs) that will help alleviate future congestion, without increasing future costs, by providing sufficient structure width in bridges currently being replaced to accommodate a 20-year forecast of congestion conditions.

SR 23/US 422 Interchange modernization and Route 363/US 422 interchange Improvement Project and US 422 widening, Montgomery County (PA)

Summary: This project involves improvements to U.S. 422 in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, around Valley Forge National Historical Park. The project's aim is to provide safety and operational improvements to U.S. 422 and the surrounding area. The funds will be used for an early action project that will add a third auxiliary lane along U.S. 422 West between the SR 23 and SR 363 interchanges. The funding will also be used for three additional projects along U.S. 422.

SR 28 Widening and Improvements, Allegheny County (PA)

Summary: This project is located along SR 28 from the connection with I-279 and I-579 to the Millvale Interchange in the city of Pittsburgh and the Borough of Millvale. The scope of work includes widening of the road to provide four standard lanes, construction of a median barrier, grade separations of roads, channelization, and signal improvement. To accommodate the proposed improvements, right-of-way acquisition, railroad relocation, and utility relocation will also be included in the project. This project will result in improved mobility and safety for motorists in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area.

I-73, Construction of I-73 from Myrtle Beach, SC, to I-95, ending at the North Carolina State line (SC)

Summary: This project proposes to improve national and regional connectivity to the Grand Strand area of South Carolina by providing a direct link from North Carolina to the Grand Strand area located along the Atlantic Ocean. Interstate 73 will provide Interstate highway access to the Grand Strand and assist in keeping this area of the State competitive with other tourist destinations along the coast. The project will also facilitate a more effective evacuation of the Grand Strand population during emergencies such as hurricanes. The scope of work will include all items that are considered part of new highway project development such as, preliminary engineering, environmental review, design, mitigation, right-of-way acquisition, and construction.

Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement/Replacement of the Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall in Seattle (WA)

Summary: This project proposes to improve the existing SR 99 corridor now served by the Alaskan Way Viaduct in Seattle, Washington. The Viaduct and the Seattle Seawall are at risk of failure from earthquakes or irreversible loss of use from age and deterioration. The project will provide facilities with improved earthquake resistance that maintains or improves mobility for people and goods along the existing SR 99 corridor. The project would also improve the Alaskan Way Seawall, which supports surface streets and the Viaduct's foundations. Specifically, a six-lane facility between Spokane Street and the Battery Street Tunnel will be constructed to replace the existing viaduct and seawall and reconnect the city street grid over SR 99 north of the Battery Street Tunnel.

The SR 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct, along with I-5, is the primary north-south limited access routes through downtown Seattle. One-quarter of all north-south traffic through Seattle (103,000 vehicles) uses the Viaduct every day. Closure of the Viaduct following the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake resulted in extreme congestion on I-5 and in the downtown city street grid. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) estimates that if the Viaduct is no longer usable, travel time through the downtown Seattle area will double. The WSDOT also believes that if the Viaduct were to collapse, container traffic through the International Port of Seattle, ($32 billion worth of goods each year), would grind to a halt, cutting off container traffic between Seattle and the Midwest. This makes the Alaskan Way Viaduct a vital link in the region's highway and freight mobility system, and critical to the region's economy.

Reconstruction of the Marquette Interchange, Milwaukee (WI)

Summary: This project involves rebuilding the Marquette Interchange and adjacent sections of I-94, I-43, and I-794. The Marquette Interchange and the Zoo Interchange are the linchpins of the southeastern Wisconsin freeway system. The freeway system affects a significant portion of the State's residents. Besides serving the transportation needs of individuals and businesses in the Milwaukee area, approximately 62 percent of the State's jobs are influenced by the southeastern Wisconsin freeway system. Additionally, almost two-thirds of all goods shipped from the Fox Valley area travel on the southeastern Wisconsin freeway system. With its connections to major markets, the freeway system also serves as a gateway for tourists to Wisconsin, fueling an $11.7 billion industry statewide.

Rail Relocation to Route 164/I-664 rail corridor, Portsmouth (VA)

Summary: The Portsmouth rail relocation to the SR 164 (Western Freeway) and I-664 median (Median Rail Project) is a project to relocate the existing Commonwealth Railway rail line that runs through the cities of Portsmouth and Chesapeake with a new rail line that will run through the medians of the existing Western Freeway. The Median Rail Corridor will extend approximately 4.5 miles and will link the APM Marine Terminal, currently under construction, (as well as the future Virginia Port Authority (VPA) Craney Island Marine Terminal) with the Commonwealth Railway main rail line at a point near Bowers Hill.

The Median Rail Project will be a component of the Heartland Corridor. The Heartland Corridor defines improvements necessary to permit the safe and efficient rail handling of increasing volumes of imported container shipments from the Virginia port facilities into the Midwest region. The Median Rail Project will allow for efficiency and safety improvements, as well as a significant increase in intermodal rail traffic, in the new APM/Maersk facility and the proposed Craney Island Marine Terminal. The new APM/Maersk Marine Terminal is a $600 million project that opened in July 2007. The VPA is planning a $2.4 billion marine terminal adjacent to APM/Maersk (to be opened in 2017). Together this $3 billion investment in the national marine transportation system is planned to handle nearly 5 million, 20-foot equivalent units. Both terminals will be served by the proposed Median Rail line.

With adequate capacity in the system, over 30 percent, (nearly 1 million containers), of this cargo is planned to move by rail. The Median Rail Project will provide the ability to keep 1 million trucks off the highways while also removing 14 at-grade crossings from the urban areas of Portsmouth and Chesapeake.

Heartland Corridor Project including multiple intermodal facility improvements and improvements to facilitate the movement of intermodal freight from VA to OH (VA, WV, OH)

Summary: This project is designed to create an efficient intermodal rail route that will start at the Port of Virginia, cross West Virginia and terminate in Columbus, Ohio. In Columbus, Heartland Corridor trains will link up with western rail networks and/or the existing Norfolk Southern network that is double-stack cleared to Chicago. The funds will be used to link existing rail systems, build new rail lines where needed, and raise tunnel and bridge heights to allow for passage of Norfolk Sothern's doublestack trains.

The Heartland Corridor Project provides the opportunity to open up a significant portion of Appalachia currently excluded from international intermodal markets, connecting to a center of existing domestic and international distribution in the Midwest, thereby strengthening the economic vitality of the entire region, and enhancing the efficiency and capacity of the Nation's transportation network. The Heartland Corridor Project will result in opportunities for shippers throughout the Midwest, from central Ohio through the Chicago and Detroit regions, to move their inbound and outbound product more effectively via rail. Provisions of the Heartland Corridor Project will also allow for the future development of intermodal facilities along the corridor, which will enable areas like western Virginia, West Virginia, northeast Kentucky, or southern Ohio to benefit from intermodal rail.

To the extent that this project is able to attract freight from highways to rail, there will be benefits through greater mobility for both motorists and those trucks which will continue to carry goods over the road. Current rail service, connecting Midwest points to maritime port facilities in Portsmouth, VA, or Norfolk, VA is restricted to single-stack trains reducing the volume of freight that can move within a given time. To use double-stack trains freight must either travel via Harrisburg, PA, and then south, or via Danville, KY, and Knoxville, TN, and then east. The provision for double-stack via the Heartland Corridor will reduce the rail mileage for those containers moving from port terminals in Virginia to the Midwest by over 200 miles, making rail service more efficient and effective (increasing the volume of freight moved), and making rail a more attractive option for shippers. This project can result in a number of public benefits including, but not limited to: (1) contributing to the reduction of congestion, (2) improving public safety, and (3) enabling States to stretch their highway dollars further.

Outstanding Projects

The following is the current status of the PNRS project that has not requested a funding allocation:

Redesign and reconstruction of interchanges 298 and 299 of I-80 and accompanying improvements to any other public roads in the vicinity, Monroe County (PA)

Status: Currently, the scope and type of work has not been identified. The anticipated focus for these PNRS funds is for use on the accompanying improvements to any other public roads in the vicinity, including SR 611.

Promulgation of Project Evaluation and Rating Regulations

SAFETEA-LU Section 1301 requires the Secretary of Transportation to establish regulations on the manner in which the proposed projects under the PNRS Program will be evaluated and rated, in order to determine which projects shall receive grant funding. On October 24, 2008, FHWA published in the Federal Register at 73 FR 63362 a final rule establishing the required evaluation and rating guidelines for proposed projects. Under this rule, a proposed project would be eligible for funding under the PNRS Program only if the Secretary finds that the project meets the eligibility requirements of the rule. The Secretary will then evaluate and rate each project as "highly recommended," "recommended," or "not recommended," based on the results of preliminary engineering, the project justification criteria, and the degree of non-Federal financial commitment.

Should Congress authorize any additional funding for the PNRS Program, FHWA will be positioned to release a solicitation for projects. The FHWA will then use the evaluation and rating guidelines contained in the final rule for projects proposed during this solicitation.

Office of Operations