Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, and Transit Conditions and Performance: 23rd Edition: Part III: Highway Freight Transportation - Report to Congress

Long Description for Exhibit 12-5. Bridge Element Conditions on NHFN, 2014

This bar chart shows the percentage of each bridge element on the NHFN that is either in good, fair, or poor condition. The four bridge elements are Deck Condition, Superstructure, Substructure, and Culvert. The majority of each of these bridge elements are in good condition, the second largest number are in fair condition, and the least are in poor condition. Superstructure and Substructure elements have the largest percentage in good condition, at 59% and 60%, respectively. Culvert has the highest percentage of poor or fair conditions, totaling 47%.

Culvert Substructure Superstructure Deck Condition
Good 53% 60% 59% 53%
Fair 46% 34% 34% 40%
Poor 1% 1% 2% 3%


Office of Operations