Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, and Transit Conditions and Performance: 23rd Edition: Part III: Highway Freight Transportation - Report to Congress

Long Description for Exhibit 11-12. Major Truck Routes on the National Highway System, 2011

This exhibit is an outline map of the 48 contiguous States and insets for Alaska and Hawaii showing major truck routes on the National Highway System. The routes characterized by Annual Average Daily Truck Traffic (AADTT) volume of 8,500 or more and AADTT over Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) of 0.25 or more stretch from New York through the Great Lakes states, across the Midwestern states to Oklahoma, and inland into the southern States, as well as from the Great Lakes States south to Florida and Texas, and finally portions of southern California. The routes characterized by AADTT volume of 8,500 or more and AADTT over AADT of less than 0.25 extend through the New England coastal States, portions of the midwestern States and into Florida, portions of Texas, Southern California, and portions of Washington and Oregon. The routes characterized by AADTT volume of less than 8,500 and AADTT over AADT of 0.25 or more are dispersed in the midwestern States, the Great Plains States, Texas, and remaining western States. The routes characterized by AADTT volume of less than 8,500 and AADTT over AADT of less than 0.25 are more prominent in the eastern half of the country than in the western half.

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Freight Management and Operations, Freight Analysis Framework, Version 3.4, 2013.

Office of Operations