Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Description of Figure 4

Graph showing 8 types of traffic operations and safety deficiencies on the vertical axis: congestion, delays at signals, difficult turns, lack of turn lanes, lack of signals, truck queues at gates, frequent accidents, and on street parking conflicts. Percentages of those deficiencies are shown on the horizontal axis, ranging from 0 to 12%, for airports, ports, trucks/rails, and pipelines.

Congestion is shown as a deficiency for approximately 6.5% of airports, 10.5% of ports, 9% of trucks/rails, and 3% of pipelines.

Delays at signals are shown as a deficiency for approximately 3% of airports, 4% of ports, 5.5% of trucks/rails, and 1% of pipelines.

Difficult turns are shown as a deficiency for approximately 4% of airports, 10.5% of ports, 10.5% of trucks/rails, and 3% of pipelines.

Lack of turn lanes is shown as a deficiency for approximately 3% of airports, 7% of ports, 6% of trucks/rails, and 1.5% of pipelines.

Lack of signals is shown as a deficiency for approximately 0.75% of airports, 3.5% of ports, 3.5% of trucks/rails, and 1.5% of pipelines.

Truck queues at gates are shown as a deficiency for approximately 0.75% of airports, 4.2% of ports, 4.5% of trucks/rails, and 1% of pipelines.

Frequent accidents are shown as a deficiency for approximately 1.5% of airports, 1.8% of ports, 1% of trucks/rails, and 1% of pipelines.

On street parking conflicts are shown as a deficiency for approximately 0.75% of airports, 5.5% of ports, 3% of trucks/rails, and 0.75% of pipelines.

  Last modified: March 23, 2020  
Office of Operations