Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Description of Figure 3

Graph showing 7 types of railroad crossing deficiencies on the vertical axis: delays at crossing, switching/make-up operations, warning devices, inadequate sight distance, rough crossing, under clearance, and lack of alternate route. Percentages of those deficiencies are shown on the horizontal axis, ranging from 0 to 40%, for ports, trucks/rails, and pipelines.

Delays at crossing are shown as a deficiency for approximately 18% of ports, 22% of trucks/rails, and 25% of pipelines.

Switching/make-up operations are shown as a deficiency for approximately 12% of ports, 8% of trucks/rails, and 8% of pipelines.

Warning devices are shown as a deficiency for approximately 17% of ports, 18% of trucks/rails, and 8% of pipelines.

Inadequate sight distance is shown as a deficiency for approximately 7% of ports, 2% of trucks/rails, and 4% of pipelines.

Rough crossing is shown as a deficiency for approximately 39% of ports, 31% of trucks/rails, and 28% of pipelines.

Under clearance is shown as a deficiency for approximately 3% of ports, 8% of trucks/rails, and 8% of pipelines.

Lack of alternate route is shown as a deficiency for approximately 18% of ports, 16% of trucks/rails, and 16% of pipelines.

  Last modified: March 23, 2020  
Office of Operations