Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2013

Table 5-6. Roadside Safety Inspection Activity Summary by Inspection Type: 2000-2012 (Historical)

Table in Excel format

Blank cell. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
All inspections
Number of inspections 2,453,776 100.0 2,747,829 100.0 3,013,652 100.0 3,013,872 100.0 3,019,504 100.0 3,028,443 100.0 3,334,974 100.0 3,416,942 100.0 3,317,187 100.0 3,530,382 100.0 3,569,373 100.0 3,601,302 100.0 3,582,221 100.0
With no violations 639,593 26.1 743,577 27.1 830,762 27.6 812,783 27.0 810,870 26.9 823,256 27.2 940,360 28.2 1,034,702 30.1 1,041,262 31.4 1,176,351 33.3 1,225,324 34.3 1,342,133 37.3 1,395,748 39.0
With violations 1,814,183 73.9 2,004,252 72.9 2,182,890 72.4 2,201,089 73.0 2,208,634 73.1 2,205,187 72.8 2,394,614 71.8 2,382,240 69.9 2,275,925 68.6 2,354,031 66.7 2,344,049 65.7 2,259,169 62.7 2,186,473 61.0
Driver inspections
Number of inspections 2,396,688 100.0 2,685,568 100.0 2,956,676 100.0 2,957,646 100.0 2,962,312 100.0 2,966,688 100.0 3,192,470 100.0 3,267,279 100.0 3,176,813 100.0 3,429,882 100.0 3,470,871 100.0 3,484,536 100.0 3,464,458 100.0
With no violations 1,459,538 60.9 1,657,098 61.7 1,869,030 63.2 1,883,071 63.7 1,893,227 63.9 1,884,408 63.5 2,015,278 63.1 2,068,417 63.2 2,012,241 63.3 2,100,760 61.2 2,316,960 66.8 2,422,611 69.5 2,463,117 71.1
With violations 937,150 39.1 1,028,470 38.3 1,087,646 36.8 1,074,575 36.3 1,069,085 36.1 1,082,280 36.5 1,177,192 36.9 1,198,862 36.8 1,164,572 36.7 1,329,122 38.8 1,153,911 33.2 1,061,925 30.5 1,001,341 28.9
With OOS violations 191,031 8.0 204,120 7.6 212,633 7.2 200,256 6.8 197,347 6.7 195,842 6.6 225,660 7.1 223,099 6.9 204,542 6.4 196,625 5.7 183,350 5.3 173,980 5.0 170,015 4.9
Vehicle inspections
Number of inspections 1,908,300 100.0 2,073,386 100.0 2,172,904 100.0 2,164,847 100.0 2,253,217 100.0 2,203,881 100.0 2,414,915 100.0 2,388,451 100.0 2,278,230 100.0 2,349,072 100.0 2,413,094 100.0 2,425,973 100.0 2,442,853 100.0
With no violations 584,389 30.6 604,303 29.1 663,956 30.6 675,167 31.2 698,495 31.0 690,209 31.3 789,509 32.7 810,192 33.8 746,362 33.6 779,891 33.2 834,551 34.6 880,172 36.3 928,661 38.0
With violations 1,323,911 69.4 1,469,083 70.9 1,508,948 69.4 1,489,680 68.8 1,554,722 69.0 1,513,672 68.7 1,625,406 67.3 1,578,259 66.2 1,513,868 66.5 1,569,181 66.8 1,578,543 65.4 1,545,801 63.7 1,514,192 62.0
With OOS violations 452,850 23.7 484,546 23.4 497,613 22.9 495,621 22.9 531,933 23.6 514,710 23.4 552,495 22.9 532,265 22.4 509,800 22.4 506,878 21.6 480,416 19.9 491,730 20.3 491,541 20.1
Hazardous materials inspections
Number of inspections 133,486 100.0 186,024 100.0 173,090 100.0 181,592 100.0 179,234 100.0 180,911 100.0 194,142 100.0 199,732 100.0 192,516 100.0 222,587 100.0 211,154 100.0 208,852 100.0 204,427 400.0
With no violations 101,098 75.7 148,955 80.1 138,939 80.3 148,409 81.7 145,787 81.3 147,569 81.6 158,559 81.6 164,252 82.0 159,799 83.0 153,219 68.8 180,522 85.5 183,150 87.7 180,587 88.3
With violations 32,388 24.3 37,069 19.9 34,151 19.7 33,183 18.3 33,447 18.7 33,342 18.4 35,583 18.4 35,480 18.0 32,717 17.0 69,368 31.2 30,632 14.5 25,702 12.3 23,840 11.7
With OOS violations 9,964 7.5 10,280 5.5 9,938 5.7 9,575 5.3 9,955 5.6 9,889 5.5 10,194 5.3 10,195 5.2 9,648 5.0 10,323 4.6 9,210 4.4 7,998 3.8 7,670 3.8

Key: OOS = out of service.


A roadside inspection is an examination of individual commercial motor vehicles and drivers to determine if they are in compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and/or Hazardous Materials Regulations. Serious violations result in the issuance of driver or vehicle OOS orders. These violations must be corrected before the driver or vehicle can return to service.


US. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Administration, Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS), Roadside Inspection Activity Summary for Calendar Years, special tabulation, October 17, 2013.


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Office of Operations