Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2013

Table 3-10. Annual Vehicle Distance Traveled by Highway Category and Vehicle Type: 2011

Freight moving in combination trucks depends heavily on the Interstate System. Although only one-fourth of the distance traveled by all traffic is on the Interstate System, nearly one-half of combination-truck vehicle miles of travel are on Interstate highways.

Table 3-10

Table in Excel format

Blank cell. Combination Trucks Single-Unit Trucks1 Other2 Light-duty Vehicles3 Total, All Motor Vehicles
Interstate vehicle miles (millions) 81,431 23,621 7,159 608,081 720,291
Interstate percent 49.7 22.8 22.2 23.0 24.4
Non-Interstate vehicle miles (millions) 82,260 79,894 25,123 2,038,560 2,225,839
Non-Interstate percent 50.3 77.2 77.8 77.0 75.6
Total vehicle miles, all roadways (millions) 163,692 103,515 32,283 2,646,641 2,946,131

1Trucks on a single frame with at least two axles and six tires.

2Includes buses and motorcycles.

3Includes passenger cars, light trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles with a wheelbase equal to or less than 121 inches and large passenger cars, vans, light trucks, and sport utility vehicles with a wheelbase larger than 121 inches.


Based on a new methodology, FHWA revised its annual vehicle miles travelled, number of vehicles, and fuel economy data beginning with 2007. Information on the new methodology is available at Data in this table should not be compared to those in pre-2011 editions of Freight Facts and Figures. Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics, Table VM-1, available at as of September, 2, 2013.

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Office of Operations