Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2011

Table 3-10. Largest Improvements in Average Speed for Congested Freight Highway Locations: 2010

Several monitored locations have seen significant improvements in performance from 2009 to 2010 when looking at averages over 24 hours.

Table in Excel format

Location Average Speed
Peak Period Average Speed
Non-Peak Period Average Speed
2009 2010 Percent
2009 to 2010
2009 2010 Percent
2009 to 2010
2009 2010 Percent
2009 to 2010
Las Vegas, NV: I-15 at I-515 38.24 50.64 12.39 34.49 47.46 12.96 40.14 52.43 12.30
Oakland, CA: I-880 at I-238 44.85 48.92 4.07 39.75 41.74 1.98 47.24 52.14 4.90
New Haven, CT: I -95 at I-91 41.70 44.74 3.05 34.94 38.51 3.57 44.25 46.65 2.39
Albuquerque, NM: I-25 at I-40 50.10 53.09 2.99 45.98 49.52 3.54 51.77 54.58 2.81
Tampa , FL: I-4 at I-275 45.17 47.16 1.98 36.44 38.05 1.61 49.99 52.03 2.04

Key: mph = miles per hour.


U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Freight Management and Operations, Freight Performance Measurement Program, special tabulation, 2011.


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  Last modified: September 24, 2019  
Office of Operations