Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Freight Facts and Figures 2008

Table 5-3. Accidents by Freight Transportation Mode: 1980-2007 (Historical)

Table in Excel format

Blank cell. 1980 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Highway (passenger and freight) NA 6,471,000 6,394,000 6,323,000 6,316,000 6,328,000 6,181,000 6,159,000 5,973,000 NA
Large truck1 NA (R) 371,801 (R) 437,861 (R) 409,355 (R) 416,467 (R) 436,128 (R) 399,096 (R) 423,016 367,920 NA
Large truck1 (percent of total) NA (R) 5.7 (R) 6.8 (R) 6.5 (R) 6.6 (R) 6.9 (R) 6.5 (R) 6.9 6.2 NA
Rail (passenger and freight) Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell.
Highway-rail grade crossing2,3 (R) 10,612 5,715 3,502 3,237 3,077 2,977 (R) 3,079 (R) 3,058 (R) 2,937 2,749
Railroad2,4 8,205 2,879 2,983 3,023 2,738 (R) 3,017 (R) 3,380 (R) 3,260 (R) 2,962 2,610
Waterborne (passenger and freight) Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell.
Vessel-related 4,624 3,613 (R) 13,546 (R) 11,908 (R) 5,923 (R) 4,968 (R) 4,755 (R) 5,006 (R) 5,419 5,671
Pipeline Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell. Blank cell.
Hazardous liquid pipeline 246 180 146 130 147 131 (R) 144 (R) 137 (R) 103 106
Gas pipeline 1,524 198 234 211 184 (R) 238 297 (R) 352 (R) 265 281

Key: NA = not available; R = revised.

1Large trucks are defined as trucks over the 10,000 pound gross vehicle weight rating, including single-unit trucks and truck tractors.

2Includes Amtrak.

3Includes both accidents and incidents. Most highway-rail grade crossing accidents are also counted under highway.

4Train accidents only.


Highway: National Center for Transportation Analysis, National Highway Transit Safety Administration, Traffic Safety Facts, Large Trucks (Annual Issues). 2006: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics 2008, available at as of August 15, 2008.

Highway-Rail Grade Crossings: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Safety Analysis, available at as of August 15, 2008.

Waterborne: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard, Data Administration Division, personal communication, August 15, 2008.

Pipeline: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, National Transportation Statistics 2008, available at as of August 15, 2008.


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  Last modified: May 3, 2022  
Office of Operations