Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Table 1-2. Population and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Region: 1980-2006 (Historical)

Table in Excel format

empty Cell 1980 1990 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Percent change,
1980 to 2006
Resident Population (thousands) 226,549 248,789 (R) 282,217 (R) 285,226 (R) 288,126 (R) 290,795 (R) 293,638 (R) 296,507 299,398 32
Northeast 49,136 50,828 (R) 53,675 (R) 53,954 (R) 54,212 (R) 54,431 (R) 54,586 (R) 54,679 54,741 11
Midwest 58,868 59,670 (R) 64,502 (R) 64,829 (R) 65,117 (R) 65,389 (R) 65,683 (R) 65,936 66,218 12
South 75,372 85,454 (R) 100,573 (R) 101,902 (R) 103,265 (R) 104,537 (R) 105,992 (R) 107,552 109,084 45
West 43,173 52,837 (R) 63,467 (R) 64,541 (R) 65,542 (R) 66,440 (R) 67,377 (R) 68,339 69,356 61
empty Cell
GSP ($2000 millions)1 5,054,549 6,994,329 (R) 9,203,792 (R) 9,753,210 (R) 10,063,292 (R) 10,225,410 (R) 10,608,499 (R) 10,923,830 11,291,419 123
Northeast 1,107,283 1,604,121 (R) 1,957,791 (R) 2,077,436 (R) 2,159,156 (R) 2,166,284 (R) 2,239,867 (R) 2,287,913 2,351,861 112
Midwest 1,262,917 1,566,939 (R) 2,083,730 (R) 2,174,719 (R) 2,213,549 (R) 2,254,071 (R) 2,304,123 (R) 2,333,148 2,377,114 88
South 1,608,531 2,220,755 (R) 3,044,624 (R) 3,216,182 (R) 3,365,187 (R) 3,419,561 (R) 3,564,732 (R) 3,696,021 3,831,479 138
West 1,075,817 1,602,514 (R) 2,117,647 (R) 2,284,873 (R) 2,325,400 (R) 2,385,494 (R) 2,499,777 (R) 2,606,748 2,730,965 154
empty Cell
GSP per capita ($2000)1 22,311 28,113 (R) 32,612 (R) 34,195 (R) 34,927 (R) 35,164 (R) 36,128 (R) 36,842 37,714 69
Northeast 22,535 31,560 (R) 36,475 (R) 38,504 (R) 39,828 (R) 39,799 (R) 41,034 (R) 41,842 42,963 91
Midwest 21,453 26,260 (R) 32,305 (R) 33,546 (R) 33,994 (R) 34,472 (R) 35,080 (R) 35,385 35,898 67
South 21,341 25,988 (R) 30,273 (R) 31,561 (R) 32,591 (R) 32,712 (R) 33,632 (R) 34,365 35,124 65
West 24,919 30,329 (R) 33,366 (R) 35,402 (R) 35,480 (R) 35,904 (R) 37,101 (R) 38,144 389,376 58

Key: R = revised.

1As of the October 26, 2006 release, the BEA renamed the gross state product (GDP) series to gross domestic product (GDP) by state.

Sources: Population: 1980-1990U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2004-2005 (Washington, DC: 2005); 2000-2006 – Ibid., Population Division, Annual Population Estimates, table 8, available at as of June 7, 2007; Gross Domestic Product: 1980-1990U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Economic Accounts, available at as of June 11, 2004; 2000-2006U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Economic Accounts, available at as of June 7, 2007.

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  Last modified: May 4, 2022  
Office of Operations