Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Tables 2-1 and 2-1M. Freight Shipments by Weight and Value

In terms of tons transported, domestic freight transportation grew by about 20 percent from 1993 to 2002 and is expected to increase another 65 percent to 70 percent by 2020. International shipments are expected to increase even faster over this period (by about 85 percent). In 1998, excluding commodities transported by pipeline, trucks moved 71 percent of total tonnage and 80 percent of the total value of U.S. shipments. By 2020, trucks are expected to haul about three quarters of total tonnage, followed by rail (14 percent), water (7 percent), and air (less than 1 percent).

Table 2-1 (standard units)
Table in Excel format

Mode Tons (millions) Value ( $ billions)
1998 2010 2020 1998 2010 2020
Total 15,271 21,376 25,848 9,312 18,339 29,954
Domestic 13,484 18,820 22,537 7,876 15,152 24,075
Air 9 18 26 545 1,308 2,246
Highway 10,439 14,930 18,130 6,656 12,746 20,241
Rail 1,954 2,528 2,894 530 848 1,230
Water 1,082 1,345 1,487 146 250 358
International 1,787 2,556 3,311 1,436 3,187 5,879
Air 9 16 24 530 1,182 2,259
Highway 419 733 1,069 772 1,724 3,131
Rail 358 518 699 116 248 432
Water 136 199 260 17 34 57
Other1 864 1,090 1,259 NA NA NA

1Other includes international shipments that moved via pipeline or by an unspecified mode.

Table 2-1M (metric units)
Table in Excel format

Mode Metric Tonnes (millions) Value ( $ billions)
1998 2010 2020 1998 2010 2020
Total 13,854 19,392 23,446 9,312 18,339 29,954
Domestic 12,232 17,073 20,445 7,876 15,152 24,075
Air 8 16 24 545 1,308 2,246
Highway 9,470 13,544 16,447 6,656 12,746 20,241
Rail 1,773 2,293 2,625 530 848 1,230
Water 982 1,220 1,349 146 250 358
International 1,621 2,319 3,004 1,436 3,187 5,879
Air 8 15 22 530 1,182 2,259
Highway 380 665 970 772 1,724 3,131
Rail 325 470 634 116 248 432
Water 123 181 236 17 34 57
Other1 784 989 1,142 NA NA NA

Key: NA = not available.

1Other includes international shipments that moved via pipeline or by an unspecified mode.

Notes: Domestic shipments by pipeline are excluded. Modal numbers may not add to totals due to rounding. 1 ton = 0.91 metric tonne.

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Freight Analysis Framework, 2002.

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  Last modified: May 4, 2022  
Office of Operations