Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Table 1-2: Population and Gross State Product (GSP) by Region

Economic activity and the demand for freight transportation are no longer concentrated almost exclusively in the Northeast manufacturing belt of the United States, with raw materials flowing from the South and West. Population, employment, and income figures show a spread of economic activity throughout the United States.

Table in Excel format | Historical data

empty Cell 1980 1990 2000 2003 2004 Percent change,
1980 to 2004
Resident Population (thousands) 226,549 248,789 281,423 290,810 293,655 30
Northeast 49,136 50,828 (R) 53,595 54,398 54,571 11
Midwest 58,868 59,670 (R) 64,395 65,406 65,730 12
South 75,372 85,454 (R) 100,234 104,538 105,945 41
West 43,173 52,837 (R) 63,199 66,466 67,409 56
empty Cell
GSP ($2000 millions) 5,054,549 6,994,329 (R) 9,749,103 10,289,258 10,720,847 112
Northeast 1,107,283 1,604,121 (R) 2,073,076 2,176,628 2,271,720 105
Midwest 1,262,917 1,566,939 (R) 2,176,746 2,243,163 2,313,685 83
South 1,608,531 2,220,755 (R) 3,210,017 3,437,836 3,582,160 123
West 1,075,817 1,602,514 (R) 2,289,264 2,431,631 2,553,282 137
empty Cell
GSP per capita ($2000 millions) 22,311 28,113 (R) 34,642 35,381 36,508 64
Northeast 22,535 31,560 (R) 38,680 40,013 41,629 85
Midwest 21,453 26,260 (R) 33,803 34,296 35,200 64
South 21,341 25,988 (R) 32,025 32,886 33,812 58
West 24,919 30,329 (R) 36,223 36,585 37,877 52

Key: R = revised.

Sources: Population: 1980-2003 — U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2004-2005 (Washington: 2005); 2004 — Ibid., Population Division, Annual Population Estimates, table 1, available at as of June 29, 2005; Gross State Product: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Economic Accounts, available at as of June 23, 2005.

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  Last modified: May 4, 2022  
Office of Operations