Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

6.0 References

Mobility Monitoring: Review of Current Practice and Program Outline, Chapter 3: Implementing a Travel-Time Based Border Freight Roadway Transportation Performance Measure

Development of IVHS Traffic Parameter specification; Task A report for Detection Technology for IVHS, Contract Number DTFH61-91-C-00076

Detection Technology for IVHS, Volume 1: Final Report, Publication No. FHWA-RD-95-100, December 1996

ETTM (Electronic Toll Collection and Traffic Management) on the Web, as of December 19, 2001

Intelligent Surveillance Using Inductive Vehicle Signatures, Intellimotion, vol. 8 no. 3, 1999 (Carlos Sun, PATH/Rowan University)

"Transportation Management Applications of Anonymous Mobile Call Sampling," presented and published at the ITS America 11th Annual Meeting and Exposition, June 2001 (Dr. Brian L. Smith, Michael Pack, Dr. David J. Lovell, Dr. M. William Sermons)

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  Last modified: March 23, 2020  
Office of Operations