Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Appendix F: Freight Policy Framework Workshop Templates

Strategy Template
Name: The name of the Strategy (i.e.: Maintain and preserve existing infrastructure)

Lead: Who is proposing this strategy and will take the Lead? (state, FHWA, MPO etc.)

Primary Objective (Identify Number): What is the number of the Objective that this Strategy falls under (i.e.: Improve the Operations of the Existing Freight Transportation System)

Description: Describe the Strategy in more detail including but not limited to what resources may be needed

Additional Comments:

Tactic Template
Name: The name of the Tactic (i.e., Target resources to existing intermodal connectors)

Lead: Who is proposing this Tactic and will take the lead (i.e., State DOT name, MPO, region, etc.)

Primary Strategy (Identify Number): What is the number of the Strategy that this Tactic falls under (i.e., 1.2 Maintain and preserve existing infrastructure)

Mode (truck, rail, water, pipeline, air, none): What mode(s) does this Tactic apply to?

Description: Describe the Tactic in more detail

Additional Comments:

Activity Template
Name: The Name of the Activity (i.e.: Establish a methodology for determining the condition of Intermodal connectors)

Lead: who is proposing this activity and will take the lead (i.e.: State, FHWA, MPO, etc.)

Primary Tactic (identify number): what is the number of the Tactic that this activity falls under (i.e.: 1.2.1 Target Resources to existing intermodal connectors)

Description: Describe this activity in more detail

Sector: (public/private/joint): What sector does this activity apply to?

Mode (truck, rail, water, air, pipeline, none): What mode does this activity apply to?

Milestones: What steps are involved with implementing this activity (tie the steps to specific time frames.)?

Obstacles: what obstacles are there to implementing this activity?

Measures to Overcome Obstacles: What actions need to be taken to overcome obstacles?

Additional US DOT Actions required: How can the US DOT help implement this Activity?

Resources Needed: What resources are needed to carry out this activity?

Additional Comments:


Office of Operations