Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Downtown Delivery Symposia

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a truck being unloaded on a busy Baltimore street during the day

Source: Baltimore Regional Transportation Board.

A free event connecting communities with the freight industry to improve freight mobility

Downtown Delivery Symposia are designed to connect freight and logistics industry stakeholders and freight transportation professionals in the public sector to improve first- and last-mile freight movement, parking, and delivery in downtown/urban areas.

These events are part of a joint initiative on downtown/regional freight by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Freight Operations and the Institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE). The joint initiative provides opportunities—at no cost to hosts or participants—to convene public sector transportation planners, engineers, and policy makers, along with their freight and logistics industry partners, to find common ground and identify solutions to facilitate urban goods movement.

Previous symposia were convened in Philadelphia, Washington D.C., and Baltimore. Here, regional freight opportunities and challenges were identified, strategies for mitigating these challenges were discussed, and an action plan was developed identifying short-term next steps and champions to lead new initiatives.

Who Should Host and Participate in a Symposium?

Symposia can be hosted by public sector transportation agencies, including local planning agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, and State departments of transportation.

Attendees can include representatives of local freight shippers/distributors, academics, community stakeholders, State and local government agencies, local and regional elected officials, thought leaders, and others.

To Arrange a No-Cost Downtown Symposium, Please Contact:

Emily Navarrete
US DOT Volpe Center
(617) 494-2692

For additional questions, contact:

Douglas Noble
Institute of Transportation Engineers
(202) 464-6248

Tamiko Burnell
FHWA Office of Freight
Management and Operations
(202) 366-1200

U.S. Department of Transportation | Federal Highway Administration


  Last modified: March 23, 2020  
Office of Operations