FHWA/TRB Managed and Priced Lanes Workshop
Workshop Day 2 – Priced Lanes
Policy and Program Initiatives for Priced Lanes
- Priority 1. A Comprehensive Policy Analysis of the Future Role of Pricing, HOV Incentives, and Integrated Transit Initiatives.
- Priority 2. Integrated Transportation Planning for the Combination of Pricing, HOV, Transit, Land Use and Supportive Demand Management Strategies.
- Priority 1. Develop and Market the Message
- Priority 2. Develop a Guide for Integrating Pricing into the Regional Transportation Planning Process. This concept included developing a training course and guidebook for the regional planning level.
- Priority 1. Address Enforcement / or Process Control Strategies for HOT lanes. This would focus on the complex issues of the technology, methods, procedures and such to identify occupancy.
TRB Actions
The closing session focused on what TRB could do to create higher visibility and credibility for priced managed lane strategies.
Within the TRB committees there is much opportunity for cross-cutting relationships. TRB has currently restructured the groups so this might be a good time to move ahead and have committees work in more of a cross-cutting way. Traditionally, during the summer TRB meetings the HOV Systems Committee has met at a different time and location than the Pricing Subcommittee. Perhaps more formally assigned liaisons and a formal TRB Committee status might help.
Efforts to present the results of this workshop to various relevant committees at TRB in January 2004.
Efforts to pursue the research ideas identified during the 2-day workshop should be pursued through various avenues. Many felt that Managed Lanes would be around for a long time and as such merited committee status.
Next Steps
To advance the state-of-the-practice of managed lanes, which incorporate cross-cutting elements of freeway operations, pricing, HOV and bus transit, a collective effort on behalf of a number of different agencies and professional organizations will be necessary. It is expected that the research needs and potential projects identified in the workshop will have to be addressed or advanced by different groups, organizations or agencies. For instance TRB, AASHTO, or FHWA may be the logical groups to address specific issues.
FHWA is developing a multi-year program plan on Freeway Management which will include a managed lanes initiative. The plan will address research, technical guidance, training, and technology transfer initiatives aimed at advancing the state of the practice in managed lanes. The results of this workshop and future outreach will be used in shaping the initiatives, developing and revising this plan. The initial draft of the plan is expected in the Spring of 2004 and it will be completed over the course of the summer after additional feedback is received from key stakeholder groups related to each initiative in this plan external to FHWA. FHWA expects to share initiatives for policy, program and research activities identified through this conference with its many partners.
Through the TRB committee process and other avenues, FHWA and its partners can work toward actualization of these initiatives, thus advancing the planning and implementation of priced managed lanes as a freeway system management strategy.
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