Photos of cars on freeway, speeding sign

Freeway Management and Operations Handbook

Technical Report Documentation Page Information

This form provides background information on this document:

  1. Report No.: FHWA-OP-04-003
  2. Government Accession No.:
  3. Recipient's Catalog No.:
  4. Title and Subtitle: Freeway Management and Operations Handbook
  5. Report Date: September 2003 (see Revision History page for chapter udpates)
  6. Performing Organization Code:
  7. Author(s): Louis G. Neudorff, P.E., Jeffrey E. Randall, P.E., Robert Reiss, P.E., Robert Gordon, P.E.
  8. Performing Organization Report No.:
  9. Performing Organization Name and Address: Siemens ITS, Suite 1900, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121
  10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS):
  11. Contract or Grant No.:
  12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address: Office of Transportation Management, Federal Highway Administration, 400 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20590
  13. Type of Report and Period Covered:
  14. Sponsoring Agency Code:
  15. Supplementary Notes: Jon Obenberger, FHWA Operations Office of Transportation Management, Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR)
  16. Abstract: This document is the third such handbook for freeway management and operations. It is intended to be an introductory manual – a resource document that provides an overview of the various institutional and technical issues associated with the planning, design, implementation, operation, and management of a freeway network. The goal is to provide the user with a better understanding the wide variety of potential strategies, tools, and technologies that may be used to support management and operation of the freeway network.

    The Handbook addresses the major changes in technology (e.g., ITS and architectures) that have occurred since the last Freeway Handbook was prepared. It also considers a broader view as well, including freeway management in the context of the entire surface transportation network, lane management concepts, roadway improvements (both geometric and operational), performance monitoring and associated measures, established processes for dealing with the risks associated with technology-intensive systems, and the role of freeway management during emergencies and evacuations.

    Specific chapters include Introduction (background on the freeway network, definitions, congestion, safety, mobility), freeway management and the surface transportation network (the various interdependencies during the facility's life-cycle, freeway management programs, performance monitoring and evaluation, roadway improvements, roadway operational improvements (e.g., signs and markings), ramp management, lane management, HOV facilities, traffic incident management, planned special event management, freeway management during emergencies and evacuations, information dissemination, transportation management centers, surveillance and detection, regional integration, and communications.
  17. Key Words: Freeway Management, Highway Management, Freeway Operations, Highway Operations, ITS, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Traffic Management, ITS Benefits, National ITS Architecture, Regional Architectures, traffic flow, performance measures
  18. Distribution Statement: No Restrictions
  19. Security Classification (of this report): Unclassified
  20. Security Classification (of this page): Unclassified
  21. No. of Pages: 564
  22. Price: