Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

National Road Pricing Conference

Shoulder Conversion to HOT Lane Workshop
Workshop Agenda

  1. Introduction (10 minutes)
  2. Setting the Stage – Hypothetical Project (20 minutes)
  3. Planning Exercise (45 minutes)
  4. Planning Report Back (15 minutes)
  5. Operations Exercise (45 minutes)
  6. Operations Report Back (15 minutes)
  7. Design Exercise (45 minutes)
  8. Design Report Back (15 minutes)
  9. Funding/Finance Exercise (45 minutes)
  10. Funding/Finance Report Back (15 minutes)
  11. Outreach Exercise (45 minutes)
  12. Outreach Report Back (15 minutes)
  13. Workshop Wrap-Up and Evaluation (15 minutes)

*Insert breaks and lunch where appropriate

  Last modified: May 3, 2022  
Office of Operations