Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

National Road Pricing Conference

Case Studies
Minneapolis, Minnesota — MnPASS Express Lanes

"MnPASS Express Lanes" – I-394, Minneapolis, HOV to HOT Conversion Project

Logo. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration.

Project Description

The project is a conversion of the HOV lane to a HOT lane. It allows single occupant drivers access to the HOV lane by electronically paying a toll. There are two sections of the project. There is an 8-mile section from Wayzata to MN 100 separated by a painted barrier and a 3-mile reversible section from MN 100 to I-94 in downtown Minneapolis. The project opened in May 2005.

Pricing Parameters

  • Western 8-mile section is open to solo drivers paying a toll Monday through Friday 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.; the lane is open to general traffic the rest of the day
  • Reversible section is always tolled; Eastbound from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. and westbound from 2 p.m. to 5 a.m.; it is closed other times
  • Prices set dynamically based on demand
  • Must have MnPASS transponder, if solo driver; $1.50/month leasing fee
  • 2+ carpools, vanpools, transit, motorcycles travel toll free
  • Toll Rate – varies between sections between $0.25 and $8.00. Average toll during peak period is $1.00 - $4.00

Unique Features

  • Implemented as a public-private partnership
  • Tolling on lanes directly adjacent to non-barrier separated lanes with multiple access and egress points
  • Dynamic pricing applications on multiple consecutive segments
  • Technology applications to assist enforcement

Project Support

  • 91 percent enrolled in MnPASS expressed satisfaction with the program
  • 84 percent agreed or strongly agreed that the lanes provided them with "a fast, safe reliable commute every time"

Project Website

Photo. Overhead signs identifying upcoming toll lanes and current toll amounts along I-394 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Photo. View of a Minneapolis roadway with vehicles using toll lanes and general purpose lanes.  The toll lanes are less congested. Photo. View of a Minneapolis roadway with vehicles using toll lane and general purpose lanes.  The toll lane is less congested.

Project Goals

The MnPASS project began with several goals to:

  • Improve the efficiency of I-394 by increasing the carrying capacity of HOV lanes, in terms of both individuals and vehicles
  • Maintain free-flow speeds (45 mph) for transit and carpools in the express lanes
  • Use excess revenues, if available, to make transit and highway improvements in the I-394 corridor
  • Collect tolls electronically
  • Employ the latest technologies to manage traffic and enforce laws in the lane, including dynamic pricing and in-vehicle electronic enforcement.

Project Length

11 miles total, 8 miles in concurrent section, 3 miles reversible barrier separated

Number of HOT lanes

The 8 mile segment has one in each direction, but the reversible is two lanes in each direction.

Midpoint Access

Eastbound: 5 entry/exit locations
Westbound: 6 entry/exit locations

Lane Separation

Double white line paint stripe in 8 mile section; concrete barrier separation in 3-mile section

Daily Traffic

Approximately 150,000 vehicles

Capital Costs

Approximately $10 million

Operating Costs

$1.2 million annually


Just over $1 million annually

Project Contact

Ken Buckeye
Minnesota Department of Transportation
(651) 366-3737

Version 1 8/23/10

  Last modified: May 3, 2022  
Office of Operations