National Road Pricing Conference
Case Studies
Miami, Florida — 95 Express (DRAFT)
"95 Express" – I-95, Miami, FL, HOV to HOT Conversion Project
Project Description
HOV lanes on I-95 are being converted to HOT lanes in three phases. The general purpose lanes are restriped and two express lanes are added resulting maintaining" the existing number of GPLs while "adding" the additional HOT lane. Phase 1A opened in December 2008 and runs northbound from the Golden Glades Interchange just north of 151st Street in Miami-Dade County. Phase 1B opened in January 2010 and runs southbound from the Golden Glades area to I-395. Phase 1B also includes extending the northbound lanes to the south from the Golden Glades Interchange to I-395. This section opened in early 2010. Phase 2 will extend the express lanes to provide a continuous facility between the Golden Glades Interchange and Broward Boulevard in Broward County.
Pricing Parameters
- Full time operation with dynamic tolling
- Toll free for:
- Registered 3+ carpools
- Registered vanpools
- County School Buses
- Registered hybrid vehicles
- Motorcycles
- Toll Range:
- Minimum $0.25 to Maximum $7.10
- Average Peak Period tolls equal $1.60 (SB) and $1.90 (NB)
- Must have Sunpass transponder
- No 3+ axle trucks allowed in Express lanes
Unique Features
- Multidisciplinary fast-track project
- Developed in physically constrained corridor, previously toll-free
- Requires registration for carpools, vanpools and hybrid vehicles
- Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service between Broward and Miami-Dade counties
Project Support
- 76 percent say the project has provided faster, more reliable service
- 56 percent want the project expanded
Project Website
Photos courtesy of Jeffrey Katz
Project Goals
95 Express is one of several FDOT operational improvements designed to reduce congestion and make I-95 a better experience for drivers, residents, and transit users alike. Ultimately, 95 Express will create more travel options and encourage use of public transportation and carpooling. The goal is to keep traffic moving at a minimum speed of 45 miles per hour, while offering transit riders a seamless connection between Miami-Dade and Broward counties on 95 Express buses.
Project Length
Currently open: 7.3 miles both directions without the 1 lane Flyover; ~9.5 miles with the Flyover
Completed Project: 22 miles, both directions
Number of HOT lanes
2 in each direction
Midpoint Access
Currently open: (NB) 2 entrances; 3 exits (SB) 3 entrances; 2 exits
Completed project: (NB) 4 entrances; 5 exits (SB) 5 entrances, 4 exits
Lane Separation
Flexible plastic poles
Daily Traffic
Average weekday traffic: 22,000 vehicles per day, northbound only; expected to be 55,000 vehicles per day with both directions open
Capital Costs
Approximately $124 million for Phase 1
Operating Costs
Approximately $7.5 million per year
Phase 1A (NB open only) - $5.3MM
Phase 1B (Since Jan 2010) - $6.6MM total to date
Project Contact
Rory Santana
Florida Department of Transportation
(305) 470-6934