Description of Figure 3-7. CHART II Change Control Process

This figure shows the change control process flow for the CHART II project. The originator proposes a system change to the project manager. The project manager evaluates the proposed change to determine which level of review (A or B) it should receive, and routes it through the CMO. The CMO enters all proposed changes into the appropriate CM tool, and updates the change status throughout the process. The CMO either sends the change to the designated reviewer, or returns it to the originator. The reviewers return their results to the CMO, who then sends the change to the final approval authority (CCB for level A, PRB for level B), who either approves, rejects or defers the change and notifies the CMO. For those changes that are approved, the CMO sends notification to the change implementer to make the change. The implementer then notifies the CMO when the change is complete.