Description of Figure 3-5. Georgia NaviGAtor SCR Flow

This figure shows the process flow for how system change requests (SCR) are processed by the CCB. The change request originator first decides whether the proposed change requires a change to the system configuration. If a configuration change is not required, then only a maintenance ticket is created. If the change will require a configuration change, the originator completes a SCR form, and sends it to the CM manager. The CM manager then assigns a leader to complete the Change Assessment and Resolution (CAR). When the CAR leader has completed this tasking, he/she sends it back to the CM manager. The CM manager then submits the SCR with the CAR leader’s assessment and resolution recommendations to the CCB. If additional information is required before the CCB can make a determination on the SCR, the CAR leader or originator will be asked to gather this information. If the CCB has all of the information needed to assess the SCR they will send the final approval or disapproval to the CM manager. If the SCR is rejected, the SCR will be closed. If the SCR is approved, the systems data is updated, sent for quality assurance validation, and then returned to the CM manager for documentation.