Freeway Management Program
photos of trucks right lane only sign, toll booth, HOV sign, and HOV lanes
21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Moving Forward with Managed Lanes Video Transcript

NARRATOR: New lane management strategies are providing state departments of transportation an innovative and cost-effective approach to address congestion within urban freeway corridors across the United States.

The Federal Highway Administration defines managed lanes as "Highway facilities or a set of lanes in which operational strategies are implemented and managed in real time in response to changing conditions."

JEFF PANIATI: A managed lane is quite different from a regular lane or an existing toll lane. Managed lane means you're actively managing the system. You're adjusting either the price, or you're adjusting the access, or you're adjusting the kinds of vehicles that can be on that system to maintain a free flow trip.

The Federal Highway Administration's role is to provide national leadership on key issues. We believe that managed lanes provides one way to begin to address congestion, and we're really committed to working with our partners at the state and local level as they begin to use and experiment and try managed lanes in a variety of different settings, and to understand where it fits in the toolbox as we try to deal with congestion.

NARRATOR: To learn more, contact your local FHWA division office today.

[closing music]

  Last modified: March 12, 2020  
Office of Operations