Federal-Aid Highway Program Guidance on High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes
September 2016
Chapter VI Resources
FHWA/FTA Offices
- FHWA Field Offices: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/about/field.cfm
- FHWA Office of Operations: https://ops.fhwa.dot.gov
- FTA Regional Offices: http://www.fta.dot.gov/12926.html
HOV Pooled Fund Study
The goal of the HOV Pooled-Fund Study (HOV PFS) (Study Number TPF-5 (029)) is to assemble regional, State, and local agencies, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to (1) identify HOV-related issues that are common among agencies; (2) suggest projects and initiatives; (3) select and initiate projects intended to address identified issues; (4) disseminate results; and (5) assist in solution deployment. Please visit the Web site at http://hovpfs.ops.fhwa.dot.gov/overview.aspx for more information.
Transportation Research Board Committees on HOV Systems and on Congestion Pricing
The Transportation Research Board standing committees on HOV Systems is concerned with priority measures for HOVs, including guidelines for planning, designing, operating, and evaluating HOV priority facilities and the development, validation, and dissemination of theoretical, experimental and applied research related to HOV priority facilities. The objectives of the committee include assisting in enhancing the performance, safety, and efficiency of HOV facilities and establishing preferential HOV improvements as an integral element of the urban transportation system.
For more information, visit the committee homepage at http://www.hovworld.com.
The TRB Congestion Pricing Committee fosters research to gain a better understanding of the technological, operational, business, administrative, political and institutional aspects of innovative congestion pricing of systems and services for all modes of transportation. Strategies include integrated transit, variable pricing, aviation pricing, parking pricing, parking "cash-out," and other mechanisms that seek to affect transportation demand and use. The Committee seeks to develop a comprehensive understanding of the effects of congestion pricing on the transportation system, addressing passenger and freight mobility, transit and highway interdependence, and interoperability of systems. For more information, visit the committee homepage at www.trb-pricing.org.
- Priced Managed Lane Guide 2012 FHWA-HOP-13-007
- HOV Systems Manual, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 414
- A Guide for HOT Lane Development, Publication Number FHWA-OP-03-009
- Congestion Pricing: A Primer, Publication Number FHWA-HOP-07-04
- AASHTO Guide for Park-and-Ride Facilities, November 2004, Pub. Code: GPRF-2
- AASHTO Guide for High-Occupancy Vehicle Facilities, November 2004, Pub. Code: GHOV-3
- Houston Managed Lanes Case Study: The Evolution of the Houston HOV System
- New Jersey I-80 & I-287 HOV Lane Case Study: Executive Edition, EDL No. 13157
- New Jersey I-80 & I-287 HOV Lane Case Study, EDL No. 12963
- Effects of Changing HOV Lane Occupancy Requirements: El Monte Busway Case Study, FHWA-OP-03-002, EDL No. 13692
- Executive Report: Effects of Changing HOV Lane Occupancy Requirements: El Monte Busway Case Study, FHWA-OP-03-001, EDL No. 13679
- An Assessment of HOV Facilities in America, August 1992
- HOV Marketing Manual, April 1994
- Operational Design Guidelines for HOV Lanes in Arterial Roadways, November 1994
- Predicting HOV Lane Demand, August 1996
- Use of Videotape in HOV Lane Surveillance and Enforcement, March 1990
- HOV Lane Violation Study, January 1990
- HOV System Development in the U.S., December 1990
- Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on High-Occupancy Vehicle Systems, October 2002, FHWA-OP-03-100, EDL No. 13810