Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

West Central Alabama ACTION: Advanced Connected Transportation Infrastructure & Operations Network

Appendix 3 - Existing & Proposed Deployment Locations Overlaid on 2016 CMV Injury & Fatality Hotspots

Map of hot spots involving commercial vehicle crashes overlaid with plans to address issues. This map shows the hot spot locations of crashes involving commercial vehicles (CMVs). CMV crashes are particularly problematic for congestion and delay. ACTION will increase safety through DSRC technology and also provide traffic management operators with the ability to monitor, route, and adjust timings to mitigate congestion.
Phase I of ACTION includes upgrade of 85 traffic signal locations where major concerns existed. These locations are indicated by the gray dots. Phase II of ACTION will include an additional 50 intersection locations identified by the colored dots and specific locations in the inset table. Also, Phase II will include DSRC radios and cameras at half-mile spacing along I-20/59 between milepost 68 and 88 (a total of 40 locations as discussed in this document).
Office of Operations