Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Advanced Transportation & Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ACTMTD) Proposal: Connection 21 - Louisville's Strategy to Improve Integrated Corridor Management for a 21st Century Transportation Network

Letter from Office of the Mayor of Louisville, Kentucky

Office of the Mayor Louisville, Kentucky

June 12, 2017

Elaine Chao, Secretary
U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) 200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington DC 20590

Dear Secretary Chao and Members of the Selection Committee:

It is with great excitement that I submit Louisville Metro Government’s proposed Connection 21 application for he U.S. Department of Transportation’s Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment Initiative grant. USDOT is committed to ensuring that cities prepare and embrace emerging corridor management technologies to improve the efficiency and safety of the surface transportation network. Louisville as engaged community partners in the development of related projects and the identification of priority corridors experiencing traffic congestion issues. The proposed project targets these corridors in a multifaceted and strategic approach to facilitate transit use, improve congestion problems, and ease access to employment hubs across the community.

The 2016 launch of Move Louisville, the city’s 20-year strategic multimodal transportation plan, sets the goal to ix existing transportation assets and reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Making the shift to lowering our VMT ill be challenging, but can be stimulated through the deployment of advanced transportation technologies. To do this, we must enhance our traffic operations, improve data-sharing and communications, and intensify integration at all levels. Louisville’s Connection 21 initiative seeks to leverage existing investments for the large scale installation and operation of advanced transportation technologies that will improve safety, efficiency, system performance, and infrastructure return on investment.

Project partners, including the University of Louisville, the Kentuckiana Planning and Development Agency, the entucky Transportation Cabinet, the Kentucky Communications Network Authority, Traffic Response and ncident Management Assisting the River City, and the Transit Authority of River City, collectively determined ppropriate technologies for all identified corridors. Each partner is committed to facilitate the implementation of aid technologies in a directed and efficient manner, leveraging the growing Kentucky Wired network of fiber connectivity.

Connection 21 makes the best use of existing and future transportation infrastructure to improve traffic flow, deliver environmental and economic benefits, measure operational performance, and better integrate transportation system management technologies. Our commitment to improving safety, air quality, and operations is a winning combination to modernize our transportation network and prepare us for emerging trends in


Greg Fischer

Greg Fischer


Office of Operations