Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Alameda County Transportation Commission
(Alameda CTC) - GoPort Freight Intelligence Transportation System



The Alameda CTC GoPort Freight ITS Implementation Plan consisting of 14 carefully integrated technology deployments, centered on advanced ITS and freight-centric information exchange among Port operators and users is planned for the Port of Oakland to help improve Port operational efficiencies. The 14 technology deployments can be categorized into the following:

  • GoPort traveler information dissemination.
  • Communications and collaboration.
  • Observation and detection.
  • Traffic and incident management.
  • Goods movement support system and technology.


Benefits for the GoPort Freight ITS were estimated using:

  1. Port truck data from the Port Traffic Counts and the Traffic Operations Analysis Report prepared for this project;
  2. Statistics on outcomes for past freight-related traveler information deployments and similar projects can be used to estimate benefits, such as time savings and reduced operating costs6;
  3. Turn times for Port of Oakland-specific trucks, as reported by DrayQ7, a mobile application for the intermodal drayage industry, used to calculate potential economic benefits to the freight industry if increased operational efficiency can lead to an increase in turns per day; and
  4. Valuation of benefits (time, crashes, non-fuel operating costs, and air pollutants) from Draft Plan Bay Area 2040.8

The annual estimated benefit associated with the GoPort Freight ITS Project over the life of the project is $24.71 million for a discount rate of 7% using 2020 traffic forecasts, and $27.91 million for a discount rate of 7% using 2035 traffic forecasts. Detailed results are shown in Table D-1.

Table D-1: Overall Estimated Benefits for GoPort Freight ITS Over Project Life
Year 2020
Year 2020
Monetized Benefit
(7% discount rate)
Year 2035
Quantitative benefit
Year 2035
Monetized Benefit
(7% discount rate)
Time Savings 364,000 hours $13,707,000 412,000 hours $15,638,000
Fuel Savings 245,000 gallons $735,000 265,000 gallons $796,000
Safety No value $1,244,000 No value $1,347,000
Emissions Reductions 71,000 tons $7,058,000 80,000 tons $7,994,000
Economic Benefits 6,300 turns $1,966,000 6,800 turns $2,130,000
Total No value $24,710,000 No value $27,905,000

The following additional considerations and notes apply to the above estimated benefits:

  • One work-year is assumed to span 250 analysis days, spread evenly across all 12 months.
  • Non-transport-related benefits are not included (e.g., lower fleet size requirements, reduced administrative costs, improved shipment integrity, improved service quality, reduced inventory costs, reduced safety stock costs, additional profit from increased number of orders processed).


Costs for this deployment of the GoPort Freight ITS Project were estimated using data from:

  • Vendor cost estimates for equipment, installation and warranty of individual GoPort Freight ITS projects.
  • The Los Angeles Gateway Cities FRATIS Pilot.
  • Caltrans District 12 ITS Master Plan.9
  • TOPS-BC nationwide average costs.10

The full programmatic costs associated with the GoPort Freight ITS Project is $24,291,369, which includes PS&E; procurement, construction and integration; construction management; and agency costs. The overall estimated annual cost over a 20 year analysis time horizon is approximately $2.32 million for a discount rate of 7%. Cost breakdown per project element is detailed in Table D-2.

Table D-2: Cost Estimates for GoPort Freight ITS Project Elements
ITS Strategy
Project Elements Full
Costs Over
20 Years1
GoPort Traveler Information
GoPort information system/app $1,334,550 $105,000 $379,541
CMSs $2,493,061 $8,000
Communications and
Traffic Management Center $1,152,995 $325,000 $736,970
Communications (Wi-Fi) $1,775,863 $100,000
Communications (Fiber) $3,571,637 $5,000
C2C communication $635,500 $10,000
Observation and Detection CCTV upgrade to HD $3,028,744 $10,000 $635,046
RFID readers $1,306,969 $10,000
Queue detection $661,500 $5,000
Supplemental vehicle detection (speed) $953,250 $15,000
Traffic and Incident
Adaptive signal system $1,334,550 $15,000 $404,098
Rail grade crossing system $529,200 $9,000
ATMS (includes centrally controlled signal equipment) $2,669,100 $20,000
Goods Movement Support
Systems and Technology
WIM $1,653,750 $20,000 $168,838
Basic smart parking system $1,190,700 $20,000
Total No value $24,291,369 $677,000 $2,324,493

1 20 years indicates the analysis time horizon. The beginning year of analysis was set to 2016. [Return to Table Note 1]


The detailed Excel Worksheet that contains the benefit-cost estimated calculations provided above can be provided to FHWA by Alameda CTC upon request.

6 Cambridge Systematics. Caltrans District 12 ITS Master Plan Final Report. Caltrans District 12, March 2015. [Return to Note 6]

7 (accessed 5-18-17). [Return to Note 7]

8 [Return to Note 8]

9 Cambridge Systematics. Caltrans District 12 ITS Master Plan Final Report. Caltrans District 12, March 2015. [Return to Note 9]

10 (accessed 5-18-17). [Return to Note 10]

Office of Operations