Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Grant Proposal for U.S. Department of Transportation Advance Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (NOFO 693JJ317NF0001): Volume 1 – Technical Application


All federal funding received will be through the City of Chula Vista. The City has identified the following funding sources as the local match of $8.5 Million for the project:

  • General Fund
  • Transportation Sales Tax
  • Billboard Reserve Fund
  • Transportation Development Impact Fee
  • Western Transportation Development Impact Fee
  • Traffic Signal Fee

A description of each of the funding sources is detailed in Volume 2 of this application including the financial state of the City.

The City will follow and comply with all Federal accounting rules, procedures, reporting and grant management requirements.

The project account will be set up and will be used to establish the main project grant ID and fund numbers, including cost share funds within the city financial system software. This process is used to establish expenditure authorizations for the project. The City has an accounting structure that provide accurate and complete information about all financial transactions related to any federally-supported projects. This includes both expenditures of grant funds and cost share expenses. Grant expenditure records will be detailed as the cost categories indicated in the approved project budget (including project cost share) and all actual expenditures are to be compared with the budgeted amount and to report accurately all funds that are spent. Also, we will keep a log of all invoices and partial payments as part of the project life. The City will submit invoices for reimbursement of participating costs (costs eligible for federal reimbursement). Amounts claimed will reflect the cost of completed work, which has been paid for. The City will claim all reimbursable work as required by the project federal agreement. All invoices and partial payments will be certified and signed by the appropriate responsible persons in the City.

Office of Operations