Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Sound Transit ATCMTD Application Volume 1 - Technical Application


This project will leverage other ITS projects in the region, including:

  • Sound Transit's Innovation and Technology program will fund research, analysis, and implementation of innovative best practices, partnerships, and technologies to increase ridership, improve service, and enhance efficiency of regional mobility. The program is funded at $75 million.
  • Sound Transit has an existing Research and Development program with a 2016 lifetime budget of $20 million. Recent projects completed include: the Permit Parking Pilot Program and Real Time Customer Information at Stations, where customers can use the Sound Transit website to check parking availability at various stations in real time.
  • Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Sound Transit and King County Metro are partnering with UCLA, University of Washington, Lyft and Microsoft for a Mobility on Demand demonstration project. This project will test a business model founded on public transit partnerships with TNCs to deliver accessible first and last mile mobility to/from rapid transit stations. Components include: 1) if TNCs can be used as effective feeders into the rapid transit system, 2) whether the key partners can cost-effectively ensure ADA compliant wheelchair accessible vehicles, 3) to what extent gamification and other strategies can be employed to improve equity and accessibility of TNC services. Sound Transit has already partnered with a TNC to provide access to the light rail system for special events. For the March 2016 University Link light rail opening Uber provided direct uberHOP routes to/from the new University of Washington light rail station. Pierce Transit is also developing a Mobility on Demand program for first/last mile connections.
Office of Operations