Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

US 50 Integrated Corridor Management – Sacramento Region

6. Deployment Plan (ConOps too)

The US 50 ICM Implementation Plan outlines implementation strategies that is will be used for the US 50 ICM project.

Formalize Partnership Group

Caltrans and its partners are currently outlining steps to formalize the US 50 ICM Implementation group through the development of a Charter. Caltrans and its partners have been meeting quarterly for the last year during the development of the US 50 ICM Implementation Plan and continue to meet in order to successfully implement the US 50 ICM Project.

Inter-Agency Agreements (Letters of Support)

The US 50 ICM Implementation Plan and Project have received letters of support from the following:

  • City of Sacramento
  • City of West Sacramento
  • City of Rancho Cordova
  • City of Folsom
  • Sacramento Regional Transit
  • El Dorado County Transportation Commission
  • Yolo Regional Transit District

Develop System Engineering Plan

The System Engineering Plan would include formal documentation of a Concept of Operations and System Requirements. Analysis of compatibility with other systems will be developed or deployed by Caltrans will be completed as part of this project to leverage other investments made elsewhere in the State, including Adaptive Ramp Metering System, ICM system, and advanced traveler information system. A review of STARNET investments made by SACOG will also be completed to ensure duplicative efforts are avoided for systems that already exist. Caltrans District 3 will continue to work with Caltrans Headquarter and other Districts as the US 50 ICM Project advances.

Performance monitoring and data collection will continue to occur in order to understand performance of past investments once the US 50 ICM Project is implemented.

The role of the Local Agencies or "Arterial Operators" should be to advance their capabilities to monitor and control flow through their signal systems, and develop "approvable" alternative signal operational timing patterns (while continuing to leverage and look for opportunities to advance the concept of ICM and infrastructure improvements). Local agency management should maintain a commitment for working with Caltrans and develop improved interagency communications or use of STARNET. All software and potential data source investments should consider including standardized data formatting and the requirements of an interface control document (ICD) to serve as a key to the data flows. Investment in mid-block detection or investments in increased detection at regular intervals and flow measurement will be helpful in collecting data to support the "existing condition" as well as performance improvements as ICM begins implementation.

Deployment Strategy and Phased Implementation

Developing a phased strategy to implement the ICM corridor will help guide the partners as the project moves forward. By implementing the ICM project in phases and by segment, the partnership will be able to demonstrate the benefits of ICM without overtaxing the funding programs across the region.

The estimated costs have been prepared in two separate phases. This allows for Phase 2 work to be augmented or adjusted as necessary as actual data of progress, additional options, and funding from Phase 1 is available. The decision to phase the work was not intended to preclude any agency that was ready and able to participate from doing so as soon as possible. The purpose of the phasing is to provide flexibility and allow for the concept to move to production as rapidly as possible.

Institutional barriers will require attention, with IT policies typically being some of the most difficult issues to tackle. Documenting the IT relationships desired and the types of information to be exchanged across network interfaces should be some of the first work undertaken. Continued work on the Systems Engineering aspects of planning will remain in the forefront and should be completed without a large time or resource investment by the partners. This task should be part of the initial design, engineering, and support task.

Procurement Strategy

Caltrans and its partners should work towards securing funding for the Segment 3 and Phase 2 as identified in the US 50 ICM Implementation Plan. Spending resources early in the first phase of the process to finalize the Concept of Operations and User Requirements will result in long term dividends. Not only is the use of System Engineering required for technology projects of this nature by the FHWA, but it has been shown many times to save developmental funds.

Though additional effort is required to document the needs of the participants, the dividends are returned by reducing "risk" for the developer who will be able to anticipate participant requirements. There will also need to be excellent communication and education of the requirements to the software developers who often are not well-versed or knowledgeable regarding traffic operations. Caltrans and the partnership should continue to use the known methods for securing funding and possibly seek special funding for "central control and integration". The new Federal Administration that took office in January 2017 has indicated that infrastructure investments will be a high priority. ICM is likely a project that "qualifies" for this type of funding, and the District and Local agencies should continue to monitor the progress of funding opportunities and be prepared to apply if any grant funded programs are announced.

Office of Operations