Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

US 50 Integrated Corridor Management – Sacramento Region

10. Vision, Goals, and Objectives

The Caltrans District 3 and the US 50 ICM corridor local agency partners identified key goals and objectives for the ICM project to consider as part of the development. These key objectives were to:

  • Improve system performance (mobility, safety, reliability, productivity)
    • Decrease delay and collisions (fatalities)
    • Improve travel time reliability
    • Stabilize vehicle flow rates and average speeds
  • Provide transportation choices (alternate modes, alternate routes)
    • Increase non-auto modes usage
    • Increase multimodal options provided
    • Improve coordination with operations on parallel routes
  • Increase accessibility (connectivity, traveler information)
    • Improve distribution of traveler information, multimodal connections made
  • Enhance sustainability (non-auto modes)
    • Increase non-auto modes usage
    • Reduce need for system expansion
    • Position corridor to take advantage of emerging/future technologies
  • Improve environment (GHG emissions, green infrastructure)
    • Reduce GHG emissions
    • Add green infrastructure
  • Improve collaborative partnerships

The proposed US 50 ICM project would support the goals and objectives as identified as part of the District 3 RCTO. The RCTO goals and objectives align with the SACOG's 2016 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (MTP/SCS) guiding principles, which include the following:

  • Smart Land Use – Design a transportation system to support good growth patterns, including increased housing and transportation options, focusing more growth inward, and improving the economic viability of rural areas.
  • Environmental Quality and Sustainability – Minimize direct and indirect transportation impacts on the environment for cleaner air and natural resource protection.
  • Financial Stewardship – Manage resources for a transportation system that delivers cost-effective results and is feasible to construct and maintain.
  • Economic Vitality – Efficiently connect people to jobs and get goods to market.
  • Access and Mobility – Improve opportunities for businesses and citizens to easily access goods, jobs, services, and housing.
  • Equity and Choice – Provide real, viable travel choices for all people throughout our region.

ICM implementations across the nation have demonstrated these goals and objectives are reasonable and obtainable.

Table 7: RCTO Goals & Objectives and District Performance Targets
District 3 RCTO Goals & Objectives District 3 Performance Targets
Goal 1 (Caltrans SMP Goal #1) – Safety and Health
1. Reduce user fatalities and injuries
  • Result in 0.5 or less fatalities per 100 million VMT on SHS every year
  • 10% reduction in number of fatalities in calendar year in each mode type
Goal 2 (Caltrans SMP Goal #2) – Stewardship and Efficiency
1. Effectively manage transportation assets with asset management plan (fix–it–first)
  • By 2020, maintain 90% or better ITS elements health
Goal 3 (Caltrans SMP Goal #3) – Sustainability, Livability, and Economy
1. Provide mobility choice, increase accessibility to all transportation modes and create transportation corridors
  • By 2020, increase non–auto modes (triple bicycles, double pedestrians, and double transit ridership)
2. Support statewide reduction of GHG emissions
  • By 2020, 15% reduction of GHG (from 2010 levels)
  • By 2020, 20% increase incorporating green infrastructure into projects
Goal 4 (Caltrans SMP Goal #4) – System Performance
1. Improve travel time reliability for all modes
  • By 2020, improve buffer time index reliability ranking by one level or 15%
2. Reduce peak period travel times and delays for all modes
  • By 2020, reduce to 8% rate of growth in daily vehicle hours' delay (DHVD) under 35 mph on urban SHS
3. Improve integration and operations
  • By 2020, provide real–time multimodal system information to public along integrated corridors
4. Increase number of Complete Streets features on SHS
  • By 2020, increase annual number of Complete Streets features by 5%
5. Develop integrated corridor management (ICM) strategies
  • By 2020, complete one ICM implementation plan in District 3
  • By 2025, implement one ICM corridor in District 3, reduce to 6% rate of DVHD growth on corridor
Goal 5 (Caltrans Goal #5) – Organizational Excellence
1. Improve internal and external communication to demonstrate professionalism and service levels to the public and stakeholders
  • By 2020, increase approval rating by stakeholders by at least 5% annually
2. Improve collaborative partnerships
  • By 2020, have at least 75% approval rating by collaborative partners

Ultimately Caltrans and its partners would like to successfully implement the strategies outlined in the US 50 ICM Implementation Plan and to realize its vision:

"US 50 Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) is the proactive multi-agency integration and management of the US 50 multimodal transportation corridor to move people and goods more effectively and ensure the greatest gains in operational performance across the entire corridor network.";

Office of Operations