Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department - Statewide Traffic Management Center



TMC Staffing from both a personnel and hours of operation standpoint were considered based on the operational functions deemed necessary for the Statewide TMC. A series of case studies is presented with staffing schedules for several TMCs, followed by the recommended staffing levels and hours of operation for the Statewide TMC.


Staffing of the statewide TMC will evolve as the level of ITS equipment monitored and controlled by the TMC grows. Table 3 shows the maximum staffing for any one time at the TMC, but does not describe what day to day operations will look like.

Phase I Operations
Staffing Requirements
(Maximum staff at any one time)
  • 1 Radio Room Supervisor
  • 4 Radio Room Operators
  • 1 Radio Room Operator Trainee
  • 1 TMC Manager
  • 1 TMC Operator or PIO
Space Elements
  • 1 Radio Room Supervisor Office
  • 5 Radio Operator Workstations
  • 2 TMC Workstations
  • Conference Room
  • Server Room
  • Video Wall
Space Needed 1,900 Sq. Feet

Table 3: Arkansas Statewide TMC Phase I Operations

Initially, in Phase I, the Statewide TMC is envisioned to be deployed as a hybrid TMC with limited staffing. In Phase I the TMC should include space to accommodate two TMC workstations. One workstation will accommodate the TMC Manager and a second workstation will accommodate a TMC operator. It is envisioned that the TMC Manager will only be available during regular business hours and may not necessarily be located in the TMC full-time. The workstation for the TMC operator may be occupied during peak times, such as the morning and afternoon rush hour, during incidents, during major weather events, or during special events. As the ITS equipment in the field that is monitored by the TMC grows, an operator may be added to the Statewide TMC to provide an added level of coverage during business hours.


Kevin Thornton, Assistant Chief Engineer Planning, Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department; 10324 Interstate 30 Little Rock, AR 72209; 501-569-2241;

Office of Operations