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Table 5-1 provides an overview of the historical, pre-, and post-deployment transit data collection schedules. Given the incremental nature of many of the UPA projects, it is recommended that the post-deployment data be collected for most elements on a continuous basis, rather than at only one point in time. For example, travel-time data from the Metro Transit AVL system is collected continuously and can be analyzed on a monthly basis. Table 5-2 presents the recommended post-deployment data collection schedule. As noted, the recommended schedule for summarizing ridership and travel-time data is monthly. Data on transit ridership, travel times, and park-and-ride lots in the control corridors and system-wide will be collected on the same schedule as the UPA projects.

Table 5-1. Overview of Transit Data Collection
empty cell Historical Data
Collect by 9/09
Pre-Deployment Data
Collect by 9/09
Post-Deployment Data
Ongoing 10/09 – 10/11
Metro Transit and MVTA Ridership Data Some checkmark checkmark*
Metro Transit and MVTA Park-and-Ride Lot Utilization Counts Some checkmark checkmark*
Metro Transit and MVTA Park-and-Ride Lot License Plate Surveys Some checkmark checkmark*
Metro Transit and MVTA Bus Travel Time and On-Time Data Some checkmark checkmark*
Metro Transit and MVTA Published Schedule Data empty cell checkmark checkmark**
Control Corridor and System-Wide Data Some checkmark checkmark*
Transit Service Characteristics Some checkmark checkmark*
* Multiple post-deployment data collection recommended.
** When schedule changes are made.

Table 5-2. Post-Deployment Transit Data Collection Schedule
empty cell Data Collection Schedule
Metro Transit and MVTA Ridership Data Daily Ridership by Trip Collected Continuously/Analyzed Monthly
Metro Transit and MVTA Park-and-Ride Lot Utilization One Day Use Surveys – take on one weekday
New/Expanded Lots – Week One, Month One, Month Three, Month, Six, and Annual
Existing Lots – Month One, Month Three, Month Six, and Annually.
Metro Transit and MVTA License Plate Surveys October 2010 Next Scheduled Survey
Metro Transit and MVTA Bus Travel Time and On-Time Data Daily Travel Time by Trip/Monthly
Metro Transit and MVTA Published Schedule Data When Schedule Changes Made
Transit System Characteristics When Changes Made/Monthly
*Recommend a special survey of vehicles parked at the new Cedar Avenue Park-and-Ride Lot be conducted in October, 2011. The lot is scheduled to open in October, 2010.

Historical data are available for many of the transit-service data sources, including ridership, travel time/on-time performance, and park-and-ride lot utilization. Based on data availability, a historical trend line should be established for the appropriate elements. Pre-deployment data should be obtained and analyzed from all the sources. The historical summary of some data, including park-and-ride lot usage counts, has been initiated with the development of this test plan.

Personnel from Metro Transit and MVTA will collect the ridership, travel time and on-time performance, and park-and-ride lot data, and will conduct the park-and-ride lot license plate surveys in 2010 and the additional survey of the Cedar Avenue Park-and-Ride Lot in 2011. Members of the Battelle team will analyze the data. The responsibilities for collecting and analyzing the data outlined in the transit test plan are summarized below.

  • Personnel from Metro Transit and MVTA will collect and provide in electronic format to the Battelle team the following data on the schedule shown in Table 5-2: transit ridership, travel time and on-time performance, and park-and-ride lot data for the routes in the I-35W and Cedar Avenue corridors, the routes in the control corridors, and system-wide averages. Metro Transit and MVTA personnel will also conduct the park-and-ride lot license plate survey and provide the digital map of the results based on the schedule is presented in Table 5-2.
  • Battelle team members will analyze the data and will use the data to assess the measures of effectiveness. Battelle team members will present the results in the interim reports and the final Minnesota UPA national evaluation report.
  Last modified: February 11, 2022