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The proposed schedule for collecting and analyzing the crash data from the four sources discussed previously is presented in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. Safety Data Collection Schedule
Data Source Historical Data (mid-2000 to 2008) Pre-Deployment Data (2008/2009) Post-Deployment Data (10/09 – 10/11)
Mn/DOT Incident Log/CAD System 08/09 – 09/09 08/09 – 09/09 10/09 – 10/11
DPS Crash Database 08/09 – 09/09 08/09 – 09/09 10/09 – 10/11 and Event Database 08/09 – 09/09 08/09 – 09/09 10/09 – 10/11

Historical data are available from the Mn/DOT Incident Log/CAD System, the DPS Crash Database, and the Incident and Event Database. Historical information from mid-2000 to 2008 will be obtained and analyzed to provide a trend line. Before-deployment data (2008 and 2009) will be obtained and analyzed. The historical and pre-deployment data collection will be initiated upon approval of this test plan by the U.S. DOT. These data collection activities are anticipated to occur in the August to September 2009 time period. Post-deployment data will be collected from October 2009 to October 2011 to allow for a full year of post-deployment data on those projects implemented in October 2010.

The responsibilities for this test plan include:

  • Mn/DOT staff will provide the electronic files from the Mn/DOT Incident Logs/CAD System and the DPS Crash Database. The pre-deployment files will be provided in the August to September, 2009 time period. The Mn/DOT Incident Logs/CAD System files will be provided monthly in the post-deployment period. The DPS Crash Database files will be provided as they become available, with the realization that there is typically a six-month lag time.
  • Members of the Battelle team will request the Incident and Event Database electronic files six-months, one year, and two years after the September, 2009 deployment of the initial UPA projects, thereby providing one full year of data on the UPA projects implemented in October 2010.
  • Members of the Battelle team will check, reduce, and analyze the safety data from all sources and will complete the interim and final evaluation reports.