7.1 Purpose and Approach
These surveys will provide information on carpoolers using the I-35W HOT lanes and the PDSL. The purpose of the surveys is to obtain information from carpoolers on the length of time they have carpooled on the I-35W HOV/HOT lanes, frequency of carpooling, reasons for carpooling, travel-time savings and trip-time reliability realized by using the HOT lanes and PDSL, prior mode, and related information. It is recommended that two surveys of carpoolers be conducted. The first survey would be administered in April-May 2010, approximately six months after the opening of the initial HOT lanes and PDSL. Conducting a second survey in April-May 2011, approximately six months after the opening of the HOT lanes in the Crosstown Commons section, is also recommended.
7.2 Survey Protocol
A number of approaches were considered for conducting the surveys of carpoolers using the I-35W HOT lanes and PDSL. These approaches included recording the license plates of vehicles traveling in the HOT lanes, obtaining the address of record from the Motor Vehicles Division, and sending a mail-out/mail-back survey; using web-based surveys; and distributing surveys through the TMOs and major employers.
The recommended protocol for conducting the surveys of carpoolers on I-35W uses a web-based approach targeting I-35W carpoolers through the TMOs and major employers. Mn/DOT and the Metropolitan Council will work with the downtown Minneapolis TMO, I-494 Smart-trip TMO, and major employers to send an e-mail to individuals identified as potential carpoolers in the I-35W corridor. The e-mail will include a link to the web-based survey and will request participation. Some type of incentive, such as a free Mn/DOT state map, may be offered to encourage participation. Mn/DOT has used this incentive on previous surveys.
7.3 Survey Questions
The questions recommended for the carpool survey are presented in this section. Some of the questions mirror those included in the I-35W MnPASS users surveys and the on-board ridership surveys. This approach allows for comparisons of responses by MnPASS users, bus riders, and carpoolers on questions related to travel-time savings, trip-time reliability, perceptions of benefits for the HOT lanes, and other topics. The final wording, sequencing of questions, and format will be determined by Mn/DOT, the Metropolitan Council, or their consultants.
# |
Question |
1. |
How long have you been carpooling on I-35W?
_____ Less than 1 month
_____ 1 to 3 months
_____ 3 to 6 months
_____ 6 months to 1 year
_____ 1 to 2 years
_____ 2 to 3 years
_____ Over 3 years
2. |
How often do you carpool for free on the I-35W MnPASS toll lane?
_____ Once a week
_____ 2 times a week
_____ 5 times a week
_____ Once or twice a month
3. |
Who do you carpool with?
_____ Family members
_____ Neighbors
_____ Co-workers
_____ Co-students
_____ Others (Please specify _______________________________________________)
4. |
What is the purpose of your trip?
_____ Work
_____ School
_____ Personal business
_____ Social/entertainment
_____ Medical
_____ Other (please specify ________________________________________________)
5. |
What segments of the I-35W MnPASS lanes do you normally use when carpooling? (check all that apply)
_____ Northbound from Highway 13 to Highway 62
_____ Northbound from 42nd Street to downtown Minneapolis
_____ Southbound from I-494 to Highway 13
6. |
How did you make this trip before you started carpooling on I-35W?
_____ Drove alone in I-35W general-purpose freeway lanes
_____ Drove alone on another freeway or roadway
_____ Carpooled in the I-35W HOV lanes
_____ Rode the bus on I-35W or other roadway
_____ Drove alone in the I-35W HOV lanes
_____ Did not make the trip
_____ Other (please specify ________________________________________________)
7. |
What motivated you to begin carpooling?
8. |
Which factors influence you to carpool in the I-35W MnPASS toll lanes? (check all that apply)
_____ Congestion levels in freeway lanes
_____ Faster travel time
_____ Improved trip-time reliability
_____ Other (Please specific________________________________________________)
9. |
In your opinion, what are the best things about carpooling in the I-35W MnPASS toll lanes?
10. |
About how much time do you think you save per one-way trip during morning rush hour when you carpool in the I-35W MnPASS toll lane?
_____ Minutes
11. |
About how much time do you think you save per one-way trip during the afternoon rush hour when you carpool in the I-35W MnPASS toll lane?
_____ Minutes
12. |
Are you a MnPASS toll customer with an active toll transponder?
_____ Yes
_____ No
13. |
If yes, how frequently do you use the I-35W MnPASS toll lanes as a solo driver?
_____ One day per week
_____ Two or three days per week
_____ More than three days per week
_____ One or two days per month
14. |
Do you ever ride the bus on I-35W?
_____ Yes
_____ No
15. |
If yes, how frequently do you ride the bus on I-35W?
_____ One day per week
_____ Two or three days per week
_____ More than three days per week
_____ One or two days per month
16. |
In general, do you think travel on I-35W is:
_____ Easier and less congested than one-year ago
_____ About the same as one-year ago
_____ More congested than one-year ago
17. |
Have you noticed the signs along I-35W displaying real-time transit and traffic information?
_____ Yes
_____ No
18. |
Is the information easy to understand?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Don't look at the signs
19. |
Do you think the travel times presented are accurate?
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Don't look at the signs
20. |
Did the information on the signs influence you to start riding the bus?
_____ Yes
_____ No
21. |
Were you aware of the park-and-ride lots and bus services in the corridor prior to installation of the signs?
_____ Yes
_____ No
22. |
Do you have any suggestions on how the signs could be improved?
Please indicate if you strongly agree, agree, neither agree or disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements.
# |
Question |
23. |
Overall, I am satisfied with my experience carpooling in the I-35W MnPASS toll lanes.
_____ Strongly Disagree
_____ Disagree
_____ Neither agree nor disagree
_____ Agree
_____ Strongly Agree
24. |
Carpooling in the I-35W MnPASS toll lanes provide a fast, safe, reliable commute every time.
_____ Strongly Disagree
_____ Disagree
_____ Neither agree nor disagree
_____ Agree
_____ Strongly Agree
25. |
How would you rate the overall safety of carpooling in the I-35W MnPASS toll lanes?
_____ Very safe
_____ Safe
_____ Somewhat safe
_____ Somewhat unsafe
_____ Unsafe
_____ Very unsafe
_____ Extremely unsafe
26. |
In your opinion, what has been your greatest concern or complaint about carpooling in the I-35W MnPASS toll lanes?
27. |
What is the zip code that you are leaving from?
28. |
What is the zip code that you are traveling to?
29. |
Are you:
______ Male
______ Female
30. |
Approximately what was your family's total income last year?
_____ Less than 10,000
_____ $10,000 to $19,999
_____ $20,000 to $29,999
_____ $30,000 to $39,999
_____ $40,000 to $49,999
_____ $50,000 to $59,999
_____ $60,000 to $69,999
_____ $70,000 to $79,999
_____ $80,000 to $89,999
_____ $90,000 to $99,999
_____ $100,000 or more
31. |
What is your age?
_____ Under 18
_____ 18-24
_____ 25-34
_____ 35-44
_____ 44-54
_____ 55-64
_____ 65 or over
32. |
Which best describes your racial or ethnic background?
_____ African American/Black
_____American Indian
_____ Asian
_____ Caucasian/White
_____ Hispanic/Latino
_____ Other
33. |
How many working automobiles do you have available for your use?
7.4 Analysis Methods
The results from surveys of carpoolers on I-35W will be used in the congestion, equity, and other analyses. The results will be analyzed by members of the Battelle team in a number of ways. In addition to examining the responses to each question, cross tabulations will be run to explore the interaction of different variables. Examples of the analyses to be conducted using the survey data are highlighted below.
- Prior mode of travel. The survey results will be used to assess the prior mode of travel for carpoolers on I-35W. This analysis will identify if current carpool users previously carpooled in the HOV lanes or if they changed from driving alone in the general-purpose freeway lanes or riding the bus.
- Frequency of use. The survey results will help identify the frequency of carpooling, as well as if carpoolers have MnPASS transponders and ever use the HOT lanes as toll paying customers. The results will also identify if carpoolers ever ride the bus.
- Travel-time savings. The travel-time savings reported by carpoolers will be examined and compared to the travel-time savings estimated in the traffic and tolling analyses. The reported travel-time savings will also be examined for the different HOT lane sections and the direction of travel.
- Perceptions of I-35W carpoolers. The questions relating to the value of the HOT lanes, overall satisfaction with the lanes, safety, and other attributes provide insights into the perceptions of I-35W carpoolers. Responses to these questions will be used in the congestion, tolling, and other analyses.
- Carpool use by income levels, gender, zip code. The responses related to frequency of use, factors influencing use, and benefits of use will be examined by income levels, gender, and zip code zones as part of the equity analysis.
The surveys of carpoolers will be analyzed by the national evaluation team in much the same fashion as the on-board surveys and the MnPass surveys. Descriptive statistics will be created for each relevant survey question with cross-frequency and t-tests being used to compare responses between groups, survey time periods, etc. Therefore, the anticipated precision with these survey results is the same as those for the on-board surveys. As sample size of 400 respondents in each group will enable the identification of a difference in perception (or other percentage response) between groups of at least 10 percent with statistical power of between 80 percent and 90 percent, provided such a difference exists.
7.5 Schedule and Responsibilities
Table 7-1 presents the recommended schedule for conducting the surveys of carpoolers on
I-35W. Two surveys are recommended. The first survey is recommended to be conducted in April-May 2010, approximately six months after the HOT lanes from Highway 13 to I-494 and the PDSL become operational. A second survey is recommended to be conducted in April-May 2011, approximately six months after the HOT lanes on the Crosstown Commons section becomes operational. The questions to be included in the second set of surveys will be updated and revised as needed.
Table 7-1. Recommended Schedule for I-35W Carpoolers Surveys
Surveys |
Date |
HOT Lane and PDSL Operational |
September 2009 |
I-35W Carpoolers Survey |
April-May 2010 |
HOT Lanes Crosstown Commons Section Operational |
October 2010 |
I-35W Carpoolers Survey |
April-May 2011 |
Mn/DOT, the Metropolitan Council, or their contractors will conduct the surveys of I-35W carpoolers following the general protocol outlined previously. This protocol includes using a web-based survey, with potential carpoolers contacted through the downtown Minneapolis TMO, the I-494 Smart-trip TMO, and major employers. Mn/DOT, the Metropolitan Council, or their contractor will finalize the questions to be included in the survey, in cooperation with the Battelle team, administer the web-based surveys, including providing incentives as deemed appropriate, and provide the survey results to the Battelle team electronically. Members of the Battelle team will analyze the results and will incorporate the results into the interim and final reports.