4.1 Purpose and Approach
One of the Minnesota UPA projects is deploying dynamic message signs (DMS) displaying real-time traffic and transit information at key locations along I-35W north and south of downtown Minneapolis. The DMS will display comparative travel times to downtown Minneapolis for buses and automobiles. The availability of spaces at nearby park-and-ride lots will also be displayed on DMS. The project will test if drivers are more likely to use park-and-ride facilities and public transportation when provided information on the travel time advantage of using the bus. A total of seven DMSs, providing real-time bus and automobile travel times, will be located along I-35W as part of the UPA. Three will be located along I-35W north of downtown Minneapolis and four will be located south of downtown Minneapolis.
The system architecture for the DMS uses data from Mn/DOT's Regional Transportation Management Center (RTMC) and Metro Transit's Control Center. The DMS design has been completed. Following guidelines in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), Metro Transit has submitted a request to FHWA for experimental transit travel time comparison signs at seven locations along I-35W. As part of the request to experiment, Metro Transit has developed an evaluation plan, which includes the use of on-board surveys of transit riders and focus groups of drivers in the I-35W corridor.
On-board surveys of transit riders will be conducted on routes operating on I-35W north and south of downtown Minneapolis to obtain information on bus use and the influence of the UPA projects, including the DMS, on mode choice. The on-board surveys are discussed in Section 6.0. Focus groups will be used to obtain feedback on the real-time transit and traffic DMS from drivers in the corridor. Metro Transit will hire a market research consultant to develop, conduct, and analyze the focus groups. The information presented in this section provides input to the consultant on the topics of interest for the national evaluation.
4.2 Focus Group Selection
It is anticipated that four-to-six focus groups will be conducted, with half targeting commuters on I-35W north of downtown Minneapolis and half targeting commuters south of the downtown area. The market research consultant will use standard industry practice to recruit participants. It is further anticipated that most participants will be commuters making trips to work or school on I-35W, but other travelers during the peak periods may also be included. Based on standard practice, each focus group will include approximately 8-to-12 participants.
4.3 Focus Group Questions
The script for the focus groups will be developed by the market research consultant retained by Metro Transit. Table 4-1 presents a preliminary script for use as a starting point by the consultant. It includes topics of interest for the national evaluation and those identified in the Metro Transit request to FHWA. As appropriate, it is suggested that graphics of the DMS be used to highlight different questions.
Table 4-1. Preliminary Questions for Focus Groups on Real-Time Transit and Traffic DMS
Introduction |
- Explain the need for feedback on the dynamic message signs and Mn/DOT and Metro Transit sponsorship of the focus groups.
- Describe the purpose and process for the focus groups.
- Note that the focus groups are confidential. Responses will not be attributed to any individual.
Background of each Participant's Commute |
- Please describe your general commute, including mode (drive alone, carpool, vanpool, ride the bus), time you are normally
travelling, and your travel time.
- Please describe the section of I-35W you normally travel.
- How long have you been making this commute (months, years)?
- Do you ever use other modes for your commute trip?
- Have you ever taken the bus or used a park-and-ride lot on I-35W or elsewhere? If so, please describe your experience.
(note – it is anticipated that the facilitator will use these questions as ice-breakers and to obtain general information about each participant's commute)
Real-Time Transit and Traffic Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) |
- Have you noticed the signs along I-35W displaying real-time transit and traffic information?
- How would you describe the information presented? Is the information easy to understand?
- Do you think the layout of the sign and the size is easy to read? Is the sign bright enough?
- What do you think about the placement of the sign? It is located where you can easily read it? Is it located where you can change your travel plans (mode or route) based on the information?
- Do you think the travel times presented are accurate?
- Do you have any concerns related to safety from reading the signs? (Note – it may be appropriate to use visuals of the DMS)
Response to DMS |
- Have you ever changed your travel mode or route in response to the signs, such as taking the bus? Do you think you would change your travel mode or route in the future?
- Have the signs changed your perception of transit services and park-and-ride facilities in the I-35W corridor?
- Were you aware of the park-and-ride lots and bus services in the corridor prior to installation of the signs?
- Do you have any suggestions on how the signs could be improved?
HOT lanes and PDSL (for I-35W South Focus Groups) |
- Are you a MnPASS customer and do you ever use the HOT lanes and PDSL? If you use the HOT lanes or PDSL, how frequently do you use them?
- What is your experience using the HOT lanes or PDSL? Do you feel the tolls are reasonable for the time savings received?
- Do you have any suggestions on how the HOT lanes and PDSL could be enhanced?
Closing |
- Are there any other comments you would like to make concerning real-time transit and traffic signs, bus services and park-and-ride lots, and the HOT lanes and PDSL on I-35W?
4.4 Analysis Methods
Metro Transit's market research consultant will analyze the focus group results, which provide qualitative, rather than quantitative, information. The results will be summarized by the topic areas outlined in Table 4-1 and the final script. The national evaluation team will use the results in analyzing the human factors aspects and the travel behavior influences of the real-time transit and traffic DMS. Information on reported changes in travel behavior, including mode change, based on the information provided in the DMS will also be examined.
4.5 Schedule and Responsibilities
Metro Transit's market research consultant will be responsible for finalizing the focus group script, recruiting participants, conducting the focus groups, and analyzing and summarizing the results. Members of the Battelle team will review the focus group script and participant recruitment protocol and provide comments and feedback. As feasible, members of the Battelle team will observe the focus groups. Battelle team members will review the focus group report and incorporate the results into the interim and final national evaluation reports.
It is anticipated that the focus groups with commuters traveling on I-35W north of downtown Minneapolis will be conducted in June 2010, approximately six months after the DMS, new and expanded park-and-ride facilities, new transit services, and the MARQ2 project have been implemented. There are no HOT lanes or PDSL elements on I-35W north of downtown Minneapolis. The focus groups with commuters using I-35W south of downtown are recommended to be conducted in April, 2011, approximately six months after the completion of the HOT lanes in the Crosstown Commons section and 18 months after the implementation of the DMS, HOT lanes, PDSL, and new and expanded park-and-ride facilities on I-35W south of downtown Minneapolis.
The responsibilities for the focus group on the real-time transit and traffic information DMS include:
- The Metro Transit market research consultant will develop the focus group script and participant recruitment protocol, recruit participants, conduct the focus groups, analyze the results, and prepare a summary report.
- Battelle team members will review the focus group script and participant recruitment protocol, observe the focus groups if possible, review the summary report, and incorporate the results into the interim and final national evaluation reports.