11.1 Purpose and Approach
Mn/DOT conducts an annual survey of drivers in the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota to assess attitudes about the transportation system, Mn/DOT products and services, and other related issues. The sample size for the survey is 800 drivers – 400 from the Twin Cities metropolitan area and 400 from Greater Minnesota. The sample is randomly selected. Due to the large number of questions on the 2008 survey, a second survey with a sample size of 800 individuals, equally divided between the Twin Cities metropolitan area and Greater Minnesota, was conducted.
Questions on telecommuting have been included in some previous Omnibus surveys. In 2008, questions on existing telecommuting behavior and attitudes toward alternative work arrangements were added to help establish a regional baseline for the Minnesota UPA telecommuting project. Although not currently confirmed for the 2010 survey, it is anticipated these questions will be included in the 2010 Omnibus survey and potentially in the 2011 survey.
11.2 2008 Omnibus Survey Telecommuting Questions
The following questions on telecommuting were included in the 2008 Omnibus survey.
- Did you have a paying job last week?
- Were you self-employed?
- Do you work at home some days instead of commuting to your normal workplace?
- Is your NORMAL work location at home?
- On average, how many days do you work at home each week?
- Do you work at a satellite location, other than home or a coffee shop, some days instead of commuting to your normal workplace?
- On average, how many days do you work at a satellite location each week?
- Why don't you work at home some days instead of commuting to your normal workplace?
- What are the main reasons that you do telecommute?
- Would you like to telecommute from home? (Note: Question was framed differently in 1996.)
- Have you stopped telecommuting in the last year? (Note: Question was framed differently in 1996
The results from these questions were compiled for the Twin Cities Metropolitan area and greater Minnesota. The results were also compared to similar related questions on previous Omnibus surveys. For the national UPA evaluation, the results help provide a baseline on telecommuting in the metropolitan area for the Minnesota UPA telecommuting projects. The results do not provide the level of detail needed to establish a baseline for the I-35W corridor or to measure the input of the telecommuting program congestion on I-35W.
11.3 Future Omnibus Surveys
It is anticipated that these questions will be included in the 2010 and 2011 Omnibus surveys to assist with the ongoing tracking of the Minnesota UPA telecommuting effort. The results from these surveys will be of benefit to the national evaluation in analyzing the trend line for the metropolitan area, although the information is not at the level of detail needed to assess the impacts on the I-35W corridor. Members of the Battelle team will work with Mn/DOT personnel to obtain the results from the 2010 and 2011 Omnibus surveys.
11.4 Analysis Methods
Mn/DOT and their market research contractor conduct the Omnibus survey on an annual basis. The results are documented in an annual report, which provides the total responses and breaks out the responses for the metropolitan area and Greater Minnesota. Members of the Battelle team will use the Omnibus survey results in the telecommuting analysis. As noted previously, given the metropolitan scope of the Omnibus survey, the results do not provide the levels of detail needed to analyze the impacts on congestion on I-35W from the various UPA projects. The survey results do provide useful general information for examining perceptions related to the UPA projects.
11.5 Schedule and Responsibilities
Mn/DOT conducts the Omnibus survey on an annual basis. Potential questions and topics of interest are identified by staff and submitted to the Market Research Office. The questions are finalized and the surveys are conducted in the fall. Based on the current schedule for the UPA projects, the 2010 and 2011 Omnibus surveys would be the likely time to include the telecommuting questions. Members of the Battelle team will work with Mn/DOT staff to obtain copies of the final reports and detailed survey results, and will use the results in the final evaluation report.