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4TsTolling, Transit, Telecommuting, and Technology
APCAutomatic passenger counter
ATMActive traffic management
AVLAutomatic vehicle location
BRTBus rapid transit
CBDCentral Business District
CBACost and benefit analysis
CRDCongestion Reduction Demonstration
CVOCommercial vehicle operator
FHWAFederal Highway Administration
FTA Federal Transit Administration
HOTHigh-occupancy tolling
HOVHigh-occupancy vehicle
ITSIntelligent transportation systems
ITS-OTMCIntelligent Transportation Systems-Operational Testing to Mitigate Congestion
MARQ2Marquette and Second Avenue (downtown Minneapolis)
Mn/DOTMinnesota Department of Transportation
MOEMeasure of effectiveness
MVTAMinnesota Valley Transit Authority
NEFNational Evaluation Framework
NEPNational Evaluation Plan
NEPANational Environmental Policy Act
NTOCNational Transportation Operations Coalition
O&MOperation and maintenance
OTMCOperational Testing to Mitigate Congestion
PDSLPriced dynamic shoulder lane
RITAResearch and Innovative Technology Administration
ROGReactive organic gas(es)
ROWEResults Only Work Environment
SOVSingle-occupant vehicle
TDMTravel demand management
TMOTraffic management operations
UPAUrban Partnership Agreement
U.S. DOT U.S. Department of Transportation
VIIVehicle Infrastructure Integration
VMTVehicle miles traveled
VOCVehicle operating cost or Volatile organic compound
VT Vehicle trips
  Last modified: February 11, 2022