FHWA National Dialogue on Highway Automation
Seattle, WA
August 1-2, 2018
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Contact Information: HighwayAutomation@dot.gov
Small Group Session 1: Data for Integration of AVs
Name (OPTIONAL): __________________________
- Which use cases for voluntary data exchange do you consider critical to accelerating safe and efficient integration of AVs? Put another way, what are the most critical problems you think can only be solved by increasing data access?
- Who is involved in these most critical data exchanges? How should industry, public agencies and the transportation community work together to enable needed data exchanges? Are there any existing data exchanges you think are good examples?
- What level of data standardization is needed to support AV-enabling data sharing and exchange?
- Who should store, maintain, access, and share data for AV integration?
- How can industry and public agencies work together to ensure data security and privacy? What are the liability issues hindering data exchange and how can they be overcome?
Small Group Session 2: Digital Infrastructure
Name (OPTIONAL): __________________________
- How do you define digital infrastructure and what aspects of digital infrastructure are the most critical to enabling highway automation (e.g., data management hardware, software, policies, standards, agreements, communications technology)?
- What digital infrastructure aspects are needed in order to gather, process/quality check, assimilate, and disseminate each type of data element?
- What would a National Transportation Digital Infrastructure Framework primarily need to include (e.g., types of data, communications media, data management capabilities)?
- What is the government's role in implementing or supporting the development of digital infrastructure? What types of institutional capabilities, information, or guidance is needed?