Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Federal Highway Administration National Dialogue on Highway Automation: June 7, 2018 Launch Workshop Summary

Workshop Design

The workshop began with an overview presentation describing the National Dialogue and USDOT activities in automation. The overview presentation is available on the FHWA National Dialogue website.2

National Dialogue attendees also participated in two breakout sessions. The first session focused on identifying the key issues and challenges for integration of automated vehicles into the roadway systems and the related role of FHWA. The second session focused on identifying mechanisms for public sector and industry collaboration. Breakout session discussion questions included:

  • From your perspective, what is the biggest challenge for enabling automated vehicles on roadways?
  • What should FHWA be doing to facilitate partnerships and collaboration among various stakeholders interested in automated vehicle adoption?
  • What existing collaborative forums are you aware of that might be useful for FHWA to participate in to further the objectives of the National Dialogue?
  • In your opinion, what are the pitfalls to watch out for in the development of these partnerships?
  • What should be the FHWA role in supporting "roadway readiness" for highway automation?
  • In addition to the five National Dialogue focus areas, what additional topics or questions should be covered?
  Last modified: March 13, 2020  
Office of Operations