Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Federal Highway Administration National Dialogue on Highway Automation: June 7, 2018 Launch Workshop Summary

Appendix A: Participants

Nearly 200 participants from 158 organizations attended the Launch Workshop of the National Dialogue on Highway Automation.

1.21GigaWatts 3M 8 Mile Logistics
AGC Automotive Americas Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers ALSO Security
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) American Automobile Association (AAA) American Center for Mobility
American Tower Corporation American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) American Traffic Solutions
American Trucking Associations (ATA) Apple Arizona Department of Transportation
AT&T Athey Creek Consultants Austin Transportation Department
Automotive Safety Council Autotalks Avittor International Corp
AWARN Alliance BAE Systems Booz Allen Hamilton
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) CDM Smith Center for Automotive Research
Cisco Systems City of Cambridge City of Carlsbad
City of Sunnyvale Colorado Department of Transportation Connecticut Department of Transportation
Continental Automotive Systems CRH Americas Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART)
Delaware Department of Transportation Denso Corporation Derq
District of Columbia Department of Transportation Dow Coating Materials Florida Department of Transportation
Ford Motor Company Fujitsu Laboratories of America Gannett Fleming
General Motors Government of Quebec Governors Highway Safety Association
HARMAN Hawaii Department of Transportation HERE Technologies
Highway Industry Development Organization (HIDO) Hitachi Automotive Systems Americas HNTB Corporation
HW Lochner iCone Products ICX Transportation Group
Imaging Solutions Group Institute for Transportation at Iowa State University Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
Intel Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) Intelligent Transportation Society of Japan (ITS Japan)
INVENSITY Iteris Jacobs
JobsOhio JSTI Group Kapsch TrafficCom North America
KCI Technologies Kimley-Horn Lanner Electronics
Leidos LookingBus Los Angeles County Department of Public Works
Lumenor Consulting Group Macomb County Department of Roads Maine Department of Transportation
Maine Turnpike Authority Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Maricopa County Department of Transportation
Maryland Department of Transportation Mazda Motor Corporation McCain, Inc.
McGurrin Consulting Mcity Mercedes-Benz
Mercer Strategic Alliance Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County Michael Baker International
Michigan State University Mighty AI Minnesota Department of Transportation
Mission Secure, Inc. (MSi) Montana Department of Transportation National Governors Association
Neusoft Corporation New Jersey Department of Transportation NMB Technologies Corporation
Noblis Nokia Corporation Northrop Grumman Corporation
OHM Advisors Oklahoma Department of Transportation Olsson Associates
Panasonic Corporation Parsons Corporation PEMCCO Inc.
Penta Security Systems Proflexive International Purdue University
Qualcomm Quanergy Systems Region 2 Planning Commission, Michigan
Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) Road Infrastructure Investment Holdings Robert Bosch LLC
Sam Schwartz Consulting Sensys Networks Serco Inc.
SFB Consulting Group Sheeder Construction Group (SCG) Signature Technology Solutions, Inc.
South Carolina Department of Transportation Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)
SRG Global Stanley Consultants State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA), Georgia
Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) Texas Department of Transportation The Transport Group (TTG)
The University of Texas at Austin Tome, Inc. Toyota Motor Corporation
Traffic Management, Inc. Traffic Products LLC Traffic Technology Services (TTS)
TRAINFO Transport Canada Transportation Research Board (TRB)
TuSimple U.S. Department of Transportation University of California, Berkeley
University of Maryland University of Michigan University of Wisconsin-Madison
Utah Department of Transportation Venable LLP VHB
Virginia Department of Transportation Washington State Department of Transportation WSP Global
Wyoming Department of Transportation ZincFive, Inc. No Value
  Last modified: March 13, 2020  
Office of Operations