Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

FHWA National Dialogue on Highway Automation
Dallas, Texas
November 14-15, 2018

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FHWA National Dialogue on Highway Automation: Infrastructure Design and Safety Workshop
November 14-15, 2018, DoubleTree Campbell Centre, Dallas, Texas

November 14, 2018: Day 1

Time (CT) Agenda Item Name
12:30 PM Registration & Sign-In No Value
1:00 PM Welcome & Introduction Al Alonzi - Division Administrator, FHWA - Texas Division
1:05 PM Opening Remarks Darran Anderson - Director of Strategy and Innovation, Texas Department of Transportation
1:15 PM National Dialogue Overview Michael Griffith - Director, Office of Safety Technologies, FHWA
1:30 PM Small Group Session 1: Safe Integration of Automated Vehicles All Participants
2:50 PM Small Group Session 1
Report Out
All Participants
3:30 PM Break No Value
3:45 PM Collaboration Corner
  1. Modernizing Infrastructure for AVs: Updating standards and manuals
  2. FHWA AV Research Showcase: Highlighting FHWA research activities
  3. Roadway Safety Challenges for AVs: Interacting safely with the roadway infrastructure
  4. Workforce and Organizational Development: Preparing state and local agencies
  5. Terminology: Building our lexicon around highway automation
  6. Parking Lot: Questions and comments that do not cleanly fit at any of the other posts
5:00 PM Wrap Up John Corbin - Office of Transportation Management (HOTM),
Connected/Automated Vehicles and Emerging Technologies Team, FHWA
5:30 PM End of Day 1 No Value

November 15, 2018: Day 2

Time (CT) Agenda Item Name
7:30 AM Registration & Sign-In No Value
8:00 AM Kick-Off Day 2 Brian Fouch - Director, Office of Preconstruction, Construction and Pavements, FHWA
8:20 AM Small Group Session 2: Infrastructure and Automated Vehicles All Participants
9:30 AM Small Group Session 2 Report-Out All Participants
10:00 AM Break No Value
10:20 AM Preparing for Automated Vehicles: A Panel Discussion Moderated by James Pol - Technical Director of Safety R&D Office of Safety R&D, FHWA
  • Darran Anderson - Director of Strategy and Innovation, Texas Department of Transportation
  • Ken Smith - Corporate Scientist, 3M Transportation Safety Division
  • Bill Duguay - Executive Vice President, J.D. Abrams; ARTBA Representative
  • Michael Morris - Director of Transportation, Department of Transportation, North Central Texas Council of Governments
11:30 AM Lunch (not included) No Value
1:00 PM Small Group Session 3:
What’s Next?
  1. Developing the Moonshot
  2. Near-Term vs. Long-Term Actions
  3. Federal, State, Local Roles
2:30 PM Wrap Up John Corbin - Office of Transportation Management (HOTM), Connected/Automated Vehicles and Emerging Technologies Team, FHWA
3:00 PM End of Day 2 No Value

By attending or speaking at the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Dialogue on Highway Automation, you consent to be photographed, recorded, and/or videotaped by FHWA and its agents. Further, by attending or speaking at the workshop, you also authorize FHWA to publish, reproduce, exhibit, transmit, broadcast, televise, digitize, display, distribute and otherwise use for educational, promotional, or any other purposes: (a) your image, likeness, and voice, and (b) all photographs, recordings, videotapes, and audiovisual materials of or by you (collectively, the Materials), in any format whatsoever now or hereinafter created by FHWA without further notice or consent. It is understood that all of the Materials, and all films, audiotapes, videotapes, reproductions, media, plates, negatives, photocopies, and electronic and digital copies of the Materials are the sole property of FHWA. By attending or speaking at the workshop, you release FHWA and its agents from any liability arising out of use of the Materials.

  Last modified: March 13, 2020  
Office of Operations