Federal Highway Administration National Dialogue on Highway Automation: September 5-6, 2018 Freight Workshop Summary
Appendix B: Workshop Agenda
Day 1: Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Time (CT) |
Agenda Item |
Name |
12:30 PM |
Registration & Sign-In |
1:00 PM |
Introduction |
Catherine Batey, Division Administrator
FHWA Illinois Division |
1:10 PM |
Opening Remarks |
Justine Sydello, Deputy Secretary
Illinois Department of Transportation |
1:25 PM |
National Dialogue Overview |
Vince Mantero, Team Lead
FHWA Research and Analysis, Office of Freight Management and Operations |
1:45 PM |
Small Group Instructions |
John Corbin, Connected Automated Vehicle Program Manager
FHWA Office of Transportation Management |
1:50 PM |
Small Group Session 1:
Roadway Infrastructure and Conditions |
All Participants |
3:00 PM |
Small Group Session 1 Report-Out |
All Participants |
3:30 PM |
Break |
3:45 PM |
Collaboration Corner
Participants rotate around to different stalls to provide input on various topics |
- Future of Freight: Operational environments and use cases
- Traffic Operations: Opportunities and challenges
- Infrastructure: Design considerations and impacts
- Connectivity: Enhancing information exchange and cooperation
- Terminology: Developing a lexicon around highway automation
- Research Needs: Collecting research needs statements
- Parking Lot: Important questions and comments that do not cleanly fit at any of the other posts
5:00 PM |
Wrap Up and Preparation for Day 2 |
John Corbin, FHWA |
5:30 PM |
End of Day 1 |
Day 2: Thursday, September 6, 2018
Time (CT) |
Agenda Item |
Name |
7:30 AM |
Registration & Sign‐In |
8:00 AM |
Kick‐Off Day 2 |
Caitlin Hughes, Director
FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations |
8:15 AM |
Instructions for Small Groups |
John Corbin, FHWA |
8:20 AM |
Small Group Session 2:
Operational Design Domain and Safe Operations |
All Participants |
9:20 AM |
Small Group Session 2 Report-Out |
All Participants |
10:00 AM |
Break |
10:20 AM |
Preparing for Automated Vehicles:
Freight Perspectives |
Facilitated by Caitlin Hughes, FHWA
- Stephen Boyd, Founder and VP of External Affairs, Peloton
- Carlos Braceras, Executive Director, Utah Department of Transportation
- Nate Wells III, Vice President of Operations Planning and Engineering, FedEx Freight
- Tom Murtha, Senior Planner, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
11:30 AM |
Lunch (not included) |
1:00 PM |
Small Group Session 3: What's Next?
Each table develops next steps |
- Developing the Moonshot
- Near‐Term vs. Long‐Term Actions
- Federal, State, Local Roles
- Other topics
2:30 PM |
Wrap Up and Next Steps |
All Participants |