Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

FHWA National Dialogue on Highway Automation
Chicago, IL
September 5-6, 2018

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Small Group Session 1: Roadway Infrastructure and Conditions

Name (OPTIONAL): __________________________


  1. What are the biggest opportunities and challenges associated with freight operations as it transitions to an automated vehicle delivery model?
  2. What roadway design considerations are needed for automated commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) and platoons in order to safely operate with traffic? For example, how could interchange designs, ramp spacing, and lane weaving be modified to accommodate automated truck platoons?
  3. How can automated CMVs navigate complex roadway environments and conditions (e.g., work zones, hazardous weather, traffic incidents) and what strategies can help overcome them? Could communications technologies or roadway design features help overcome these operational scenarios?
  4. How does automation change the way CMVs are notified of load posted bridges, restricted routes, road closures, and detours? How could the dissemination of information change regarding permits, routing, mapping, etc.?
  5. What new considerations do truck platoons present for truck size and weight standards, particularly for bridge load ratings and pavement fatigue?

Small Group Session 2: Operational Design Domain and Safe Operations

Name (OPTIONAL): __________________________


  1. How could automated CMVs and automated delivery vehicles change the supply chain industry and what impact could it have on freight traffic patterns?
  2. As automated CMVs may transition from automated mode on a highway to a human driver to make last mile deliveries, what are unique issues around making a 'long‐haul' to 'urban delivery' transition? Will there need to be additional roadway facilities at freeway exits to allow for a transition from an automated system to a human driver?
  3. How could automation, combined with freight industry trends impact congestion? Could automated CMVs make use of predictive route planning to identify routes around congested areas, helping to alleviate peak hour congestion?
  4. What are challenges for automated delivery vehicles in urban environments where vehicles must navigate heavy congestion, merging lanes, traffic control devices, loading zones, other road users, and traffic incidents?
  Last modified: March 13, 2020  
Office of Operations