Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

FHWA National Dialogue on Highway Automation
Philadelphia, PA
June 26-27, 2018

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Contact Information:

National Dialogue on Highway Automation Logo

Slide 1. FHWA National Dialogue on Highway Automation

Planning and Policy Workshop
Science History Institute, Philadelphia, PA
June 26-27, 2018

Slide 2. Welcome

Slide 3. Purpose of the Workshop

  • Discuss roles and responsibilities to facilitate safe and efficient integration of automated vehicles on our Nation's roads
  • Engage stakeholders on key issues of interest on automation
  • Facilitate collaboration between public agencies, industry, associations and the transportation community around automation

Slide 4. Agenda Day 1

Time (ET) Agenda Item Name
12:30 PM Registration & Sign-In Empty Cell
1:00 PM Opening Remarks Mala Parker
1:10 PM National Dialogue Overview Heather Rose
1:25 PM Small Group Session Instructions John Corbin
1:30 PM Small Group Session 1: Policy and Planning Issues and Challenges
  • Section 1: Policy Issues and Challenges
  • Section 2: Planning Issues and Challenges
All Participants
3:00 PM Break Empty Cell
3:15 PM Report Out All Participants
3:45 PM Collaboration Corner
Market Square Format
Communities and AVs, State and Local Issues, Developing Policy, Research Needs, Terminology
5:00 PM Wrap Up and Preparing for Day 2 John Corbin
5:30 PM End of Day 1 Empty Cell

Slide 5. Agenda Day 2 Morning

Morning Agenda
Time (ET) Agenda Item Name
8:00 AM Registration & Sign-In Empty Cell
8:30 AM Kick-Off Day 2
  • Agenda Summary Day 2
  • Summary of Day 1 Themes
Kenneth Petty
8:45 AM Introduction Alicia Nolan
9:00 AM Welcome Address Leslie Richards
9:15 AM Preparing for Automated Vehicles: Policy and Planning Perspectives Facilitated by Kenneth Petty
  • Robert Grant
  • Patricia Hendren
  • Bill Keyrouze
  • Rick Schuettler
10:15 AM Break Empty Cell
10:30 AM Small Group Session Instructions Corbin Davis
10:35 AM Small Group Session 2: Policy and Planning Opportunities
  • Section 1: Policy Opportunities
  • Section 2: Planning Opportunities
All Participants
12:00 PM Lunch (not included) Empty Cell

Slide 6. Agenda Day 2 Afternoon

Afternoon Agenda
Time (ET) Agenda Item Name
1:30 PM Report Out All Participants
2:00 PM Keynote Speaker Brandye Hendrickson
Introduction by Martin Knopp
2:15 PM Instructions for Brainstorming Corbin Davis
2:20 PM Brainstorming: What's Next? All Participants
3:05 PM Report Out All Participants
3:50 PM Wrap Up and Next Steps Jeremy Raw
4:00 PM Open Discussion All Participants
4:30 PM End Empty Cell

Slide 7. FHWA and its Role in Automation

Slide 8. FHWA – Who We Are

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) supports State and local governments in the design, construction, and maintenance of the Nation's highway system and various federally and tribal owned lands. Through financial and technical assistance to State and local governments, the FHWA is responsible for ensuring that America's roads and highways continue to be among the safest and most technologically sound in the world.

Slide. 9 Levels of Automation

Levels of Automation form 0 to 5: Level 0, No Automation; Level 1, Driver Assistance; Level 2, Partial Automation; Level 3, Conditional Automation; Level 4, High Automation; and Level 5 Full Automation.

Slide 10. Automated Vehicle Implications for Roadways

Automated Vehicle Implications for Roadways: Physical Infrastructure, Roadway Operations, Digital Infrastructure, and Programs and Practices

Slide 11. USDOT Activities in Automation

Slide 12. USDOT Surface Transportation Modal Administrations

  • Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) – Roadways and Bridges
  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) – Trucking and Motor coach Operations
  • Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) – Railways
  • Federal Transit Administration (FTA) – Public Transit
  • Maritime Administration (MARAD) – Maritime
  • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) – Motor Vehicle Safety
  • Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) – Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety

Slide 13. USDOT Activities in Automation

Modal Requests for Information and Comments on Automation:

  • Federal Highway Administration
  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
  • Federal Railroad Administration
  • Federal Transit Administration
  • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
  • Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Information Available at:

Slide 14. USDOT Activities in Automation (continued)

FHWA Request for Information Key Themes:

  • Greater Uniformity and Quality in road markings and traffic control devices would enable automation.
  • FHWA should take a Leadership role in convening stakeholders to encourage collaboration.
  • Certain Data Elements around the roadway environment are useful for industry, State, and local DOTs to share and could improve automation operations.
  • Conducting Pilots and supporting pilot testing are important for facilitating learning, collaboration, and information sharing.
  • Uncertainty in infrastructure investment and allocation of limited resources are key concerns for State and local agencies.

Slide 15. USDOT Activities in Automation (continued)

USDOT Activities
Event Date Summary / Outcomes
USDOT releases Automated Driving Systems (ADS) 2.0: A Vision for Safety September 12, 2017
Roundtable on Data for Automated Vehicle Safety December 7, 2017
  • Demonstrated multimodal alignment around "One DOT" approach to Federal automated vehicle policy.
  • Brought together over 60 participants from government, private sector, nonprofit organizations, universities, and research centers.
  • Gathered feedback on USDOT's Guiding Principles and Draft Framework.
Automated Vehicles 3.0 announced January 10, 2018
  • Secretary Chao announced work on a follow-up Automated Vehicles 3.0 document, with a possible release date in 2018.
Public Listening Summit on Automated Vehicle Policy March 1, 2018
  • Stakeholder engagement summit with senior leadership at USDOT.
  • Focused on key cross-modal issues important to successful integration of automated vehicles.
National Dialogue Launch Webinar May 8, 2018

Slide 16. The National Dialogue on Highway Automation

Slide 17. Purpose of the National Dialogue

  1. LISTEN: Gather input from a diverse group of stakeholders.
  2. ENGAGE: Facilitate information sharing among industry, public agencies, associations and others.
  3. INFORM: Raise awareness of FHWA and USDOT activities in automation and emerging technologies.
  4. EVOLVE: Adapt existing programs, policies and research to address automation.

Slide 18. Desired Outcomes

FHWA will use inputs to:

  1. Assess National issues and priorities
  2. Develop technical guidance, best practices and standards
  3. Support necessary research
  4. Adapt programs and policies
  5. Create a National community or coalition

Slide 19. Areas of Interest

Focus Areas and Topics of Interest
Focus Area Topics of Interest
Planning and Policy
  • Travel demand changes
  • Land use implications
  • Right-of-way Use
  • Regulatory/Policy Barriers
Digital Infrastructure and Data
  • Data requirements and needs (e.g., digital work zone maps, road closures)
  • Partnerships for data sharing and safety
  • Truck platooning application
  • Automated truck freight delivery issues
  • Implications on traffic patterns and operations
  • Identification of further research necessary to address operations challenges
  • Transportation Systems Management and Operations
  • Incident management
  • System Efficiency
  • Implications on traffic patterns and roadway capacity
Infrastructure Design and Safety
  • Infrastructure needs
  • Ensuring safety for road users, including drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists
  • Consistency
  • Collaboration to plan for locations where existing roadway infrastructure could lead to safety hazards

Slide 20. National Dialogue Tentative Schedule

Month Event Location
June 7 National Dialogue Launch Workshop Cobo Center, Detroit, MI
June 26-27 National Workshop 1
Planning and Policy Considerations for Highway Automation
Science History Institute
Philadelphia, PA
July 12 Automated Vehicle Symposium
FMCSA-FHWA Truck Automation Listening Session
San Francisco, CA
August 1-2 National Workshop 2
Digital Infrastructure and Data Considerations for Highway Automation
Double Tree Hilton Seattle Airport
Seattle, WA
Early September National Workshop 3
Freight Considerations for Highway Automation
Chicago, IL
October24-25 National Workshop 4
Operations Considerations for Highway Automation
Phoenix, AZ
Week of Nov. 12 National Workshop 5
Infrastructure Design and Safety Considerations for Highway Automation
Austin, TX

Slide 21. Contact:

U.S. Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration Mark and Signature (logo)

  Last modified: March 13, 2020  
Office of Operations