Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

FHWA National Dialogue on Highway Automation
Chicago, IL
September 5-6, 2018

PowerPoint Presentation Version [PDF 2.1MB]
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Contact Information:

National Dialogue on Highway Automation Logo

Slide 1. FHWA National Dialogue on Highway Automation

Automation and Freight
Hyatt Regency, Chicago, IL
September 5-6, 2018

Slide 2. Levels of Automation

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Automation Levels

Slide 3. USDOT Modal Agencies and Roles

USDOT Modal Agencies and Roles

Slide 4. FHWA Authority and Role

FHWA has multiple roles:

  • Administers the Federal-Aid Program
  • Develops standards for infrastructure and traffic control devices
  • Provides guidance to State and local agencies
  • Conducts and supports highway research
  • Serves as a resource for the transportation community
  • and others….
Core Highway Topics

Slide 5. USDOT Activities in Automation



USDOT releases Automated Driving Systems (ADS) 2.0: A Vision for Safety

September 12, 2017

Roundtable on Data for Automated Vehicle Safety

December 7, 2017

Public Listening Summit on Automated Vehicle Policy

March 1, 2018

Automated Vehicles 3.0 release

Late Summer 2018

Work Zone Data Exchange Project


V2X Mapping Stakeholder Input


Image of white self-driving car

Two images: 1) animated highway of self-driving cars, 2) Image of red self driving vehicle with doors open

Slide 6. What is Data for AV Integration?

  • Access to data is a limiting factor for AV deployment across all modes
  • Data exchanges can help increase access to data across traditional silos
  • USDOT is using our convening power to understand critical needs for data exchange and the appropriate federal role to enable them, using a common language

For more information, visit and see the Framework on Data for AV Integration handout.

Slide 7. FHWA Released RFI in March 2018

Select Themes

  • Greater Uniformity and Quality in road markings and traffic control devices would enable automation.
  • FHWA should take a Leadership role in convening stakeholders to encourage collaboration.
  • Certain Data Elements about the roadway environment are useful for industry, State, and local DOTs to share and could improve automation operations.
  • Conducting Pilots and supporting pilot testing are important for facilitating learning and collaboration.
  • Uncertainty in infrastructure investment and allocation of limited resources are key concerns for State and local agencies.

Slide 8. Automation Has Implications for Roadways

Physical Infrastructure, Roadway Operations, Digital Infrastructure, Programs and Practices

Slide. 9 The National Dialogue on Highway Automation

Slide 10. What is the National Dialogue?

  • The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is initiating a national conversation with diverse stakeholders to discuss automated vehicles.
  • The National Dialogue on Highway Automation is a series of meetings held across the country to facilitate information sharing, identify key issues, and support the transportation community to safely and efficiently integrate automated vehicles into the road network.
National Dialogue Meeting

Slide 11. What are Desired Outcomes?

FHWA may use inputs to:

  1. Assess National issues and priorities
  2. Develop guidance, best practices, standards
  3. Support necessary research
  4. Adapt programs and policies
  5. Create a National community or coalition
Bulletin Board of Research Needs

Slide 12. Workshop Schedule




June 7

National Dialogue Launch Workshop

Detroit, MI

June 26-27

National Workshop 1: Planning and Policy

Philadelphia, PA

July 12

Automated Vehicle Symposium
FMCSA-FHWA Truck Automation Listening Session

San Francisco, CA

August 1-2

National Workshop 2: Digital Infrastructure and Data

Seattle, WA

September 5-6

National Workshop 3: Freight

Chicago, IL

October 24-25

National Workshop 4: Operations

Phoenix, AZ


National Workshop 5: Infrastructure Design and Safety


Slide 13. Launch Workshop

  • FHWA has a clear role as a facilitator
  • A national vision for automation will help clarify goals
  • Clear communication about the technology helps to encourage public acceptance
  • A lack of consistency (i.e. traffic control devices, policies) can hinder adoption
  • Information sharing is important for enabling automated vehicles
  • There will be a transition period of a mixed-vehicle fleet, which will require interoperability

Slide 14. Themes: Policy and Planning Workshop

  • The transportation planning process may need to evolve to address uncertainty of AV impacts (e.g. congestion, land use)
  • Infrastructure investment and funding to raise overall condition enables not only automation, but all road users
  • Clearly defining roles and goals will help policy development
  • State and local agencies need education, resources, and guidance to support organizational readiness

Slide 15. Data/Digital Infrastructure Workshop

  • Data exchange can accelerate safe integration of AVs (see next slide)
  • Important to achieve data standardization where useful and tangible
  • Lifecycle management and upkeep of data is an emerging issue
  • Further clarity needed around digital mapping --- who is building, level of detail needed, Federal role
  • Above activities may necessitate development and linkage of systems and technologies

Slide 16. Freight

Slide 17. Opportunity Areas for Freight

Truck Platooning: Increased efficiency, Reduced fuel consumption; Long-Haul: Early deployment opportunity?, Improve safety, Minimize driver fatigue; Driver Comfort: Increase driver retention, Address driver shortage; Urban Freight Delivery: Last-mile of delivery, Efficiency gains/cost improvements, Sidewalk robots?; Drayage and Intermodal: Automate container movements, Rail intermodal connections

Slide 18. Potential Issues for Discussion

  • What are potential infrastructure impacts (e.g. size/weight impacts to bridges)?
  • What are the different distribution networks and implications for roadway infrastructure (e.g. additional facilities near highway access points)?
  • How will automated commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) navigate complex roadway environments and conditions?

Slide 19. Potential Issues for Discussion

  • How will automated CMVs change operation of the supply chain and what will be the impacts on the transportation network?
  • How could automation, combined with freight industry trends impact congestion?
  • How will automated commercial vehicles interact of with general traffic?
  • Others?

Slide 20. Workshop Agenda — Day 1

Time (CT)

Agenda Item

1:00 PM


1:10 PM

Opening Remarks

1:10 PM

National Dialogue Overview

1:30 PM

Small Group Instructions

1:35 PM

Small Group Session 1: Roadway infrastructure and condition

2:45 PM

Small Group Session 1 Report Out

3:30 PM


3:45 PM

Collaboration Corner

5:00 PM

Wrap Up and Preparation for Day 2

5:30 PM

End of Day 1

Slide 21. Workshop Agenda — Day 2

Time (CT)

Agenda Item

8:00 AM

Kick-Off Day 2

8:15 AM

Instructions for Small Groups

8:20 AM

Small Group Session 2: Operational design domains and safe traffic operations

9:20 AM

Small Group Session 2 Report-Out

10:00 AM


10:20 AM

Preparing for Automated Vehicles: Freight Perspectives

11:30 AM

Lunch (not included)

1:00 PM

Small Group Session 3: What's Next?

2:30 PM

Wrap Up and Next Steps

3:00 PM

End of Day

Slide 22. Contact:

U.S. Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration Mark and Signature (logo)

Office of Operations