Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Line Graph - Growth in Annual Delay Per Peak Road Traveler, 1982 - 2000

Line chart showing the growth in annual delay per peak road traveler from 1982 to 2000 in urban areas of various size. The X axis represents time and the Y axis represents hours of delay per peak road traveler. In very large urban areas, peak period travelers experienced approximately 25 hours of delay in 1982. By 2000, the number had steadily increased and peak period travelers were then experiencing 80 hours of delay. From 1982 to 2000, peak period delay for very large urban areas rose steadily except for a brief period from 1990 to 1996 when the hours of delay remained around 65 hours.

In large urban areas, the hours of delay rose steadily from 10 hours in 1982 to 40 hours in 2000. In medium urban areas, the hours of delay went from 5 hours in 1982 to 20 hours in 2000. In small urban areas, the hours of delay rose from 4 hours in 1982 to 10 hours in 2000.

Office of Operations